Jared is a second-year master's student working on the front of IPM in agronomic systems.

Jared is an avid climber, but has a healthy respect for the hazards of heights.

Jared is an avid climber, but has a healthy respect for the hazards of heights.

Jared is broadly interested in predator-prey interactions with an emphasis on assessing the role of spiders on biological control. Along with this, he is working to quantify agroecosystem quality with the use of microarthropod biological indicator species.

Jared aspires to work in community ecology and the dissemination of ecological and entomological coding and statistical practices. See some of Jared's work on this front. To get more information about what he is currently working on, please access his personal website.

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John Tooker, Ph.D.
  • Professor of Entomology