Agriculture Science and Industries Building (ASI)

Agriculture Science and Industries Building (ASI)

Many departmental facilities are located on the fifth floor of the Agricultural Sciences and Industries (ASI) Building. Facilities include 14 research laboratories, 35 offices and classrooms, and 800 square feet of growth chamber space. Laboratories and offices also are located in the Chemical Ecology Laboratory and the Entomology Ornamentals and Turf Laboratory.

The Frost Entomological Museum

The museum houses the insect and related arthropod collections of The Pennsylvania State University and serves a valuable educational function by making insect biodiversity accessible to the general public through displays for the casual visitor and educational visits for school groups and other interested organizations.

Entomology Farm at Rock Springs

The Entomology Farm is located at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center in the Rock Springs area, approximately 10 miles west of campus. The Entomology Farm consists of 88 acres of test plots used for a wide range of faculty and student research projects.

Chemical Ecology Lab

The Chemical Ecology Lab, home of the Huck Institutes for Life Sciences Chemical Ecology Program, is located on Orchard Road, northeast of main campus. The Chemical Ecology Lab currently houses office and laboratory facilities for faculty members, several postdocs, graduate students, and staff. Recently, the building was remodeled and a state-of-the-art greenhouse was added to the east side of the building. Additional greenhouse facilities and the Gypsy Moth Research Center are also located in this area.

Fruit Research and Extension Center at Biglerville

The Fruit Research and Extension Center is located in Biglerville in southcentral Pennsylvania. The Center, which is situated on over 125 acres of land, is part of the research and extension division of the College of Agricultural Sciences. Research is conducted at the Center for improving methods of fruit production, better pest and disease control programs, and improved fruit storage methods.

Lake Erie Regional Grape Research and Extension Center

The Center is located on 40 acres about 15 miles east of Erie and is part of a cooperative effort between Penn State and Cornell University. Research projects involve testing vineyard disease and insect controls.

Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center

The Center is located in Lancaster County, in the heart of the most intensive farming area in Pennsylvania. Research on the 106 acres at the Center involves the Departments of Crop and Soil Science, Entomology, Horticulture and Plant Pathology plus the USDA and some county extension educators.

The Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center

The Entomology Farm is located at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center in the Rock Springs area, approximately 10 miles west of campus. The Entomology Farm consists of 88 acres of test plots used for a wide range of faculty and student research projects.

Department of Entomology


501 ASI Building
453 Shortlidge Rd

University Park, PA 16802