Teaching Assistantships
Graduate students are required to serve as a teaching assistant (TA) during their degree program. M.S. students must teach a minimum of one course; Ph.D. students must teach a minimum of two courses. Two sections of ENT 313 core and a track course (ENT 314, 316) comprise one teaching experience. A student supported on Entomology funds may be called upon to meet TA needs if they arise, therefore, a student may be asked to teach more than the minimum. Students enrolled in an interdepartmental graduate program, but holding an entomology departmental assistantship, are also held to this requirement. Students advised by entomology department faculty, but who are receiving degrees in other programs, and are supported by funds other than an entomology departmental assistantship, are exempt from this requirement, although teaching experience is strongly recommended. Students should enroll in ENT 602 (Supervised Experience in College Teaching) for credit while serving as a TA (Teaching Assistant Evaluation Criteria). If a student is interested in doing a Teaching Assistantship Apprenticeship in addition to their required Teaching Assistantship, please contact the instructor.