A thesis equivalent to 12 credits (ENT 600) is required. A doctoral thesis may be submitted and archived either electronically or on paper at the discretion of the author. The thesis must meet the editorial standards of the Graduate School so that it constitutes a suitable archival document for inclusion in the University Libraries where it will be available for circulation. It is a departmental requirement that the student provide the Department Head a copy of the final bound thesis.
The Thesis Guide can be obtained from the Graduate School Office of Theses and Publications, 211 Kern Building, and is also available electronically. For more information on electronic theses and dissertations, visit their website.
Voucher Specimens
Deposit of suitably curated specimens of insect species on which the student's research was conducted is required. These are to be deposited in the Frost Entomological Museum or other public museum. The voucher depository must be noted in the student's thesis. The Curator should be consulted for instructions.