Requirements and guidelines for the master’s degree in Entomology.
Requirements and guidelines for the doctor of philosophy degree in Entomology.
The Department of Entomology is committed to providing students opportunities with an international focus. Students may take courses and conduct research as part of their graduate program or earn international credentials through dual-title degrees.
More details about our program, invitation from the department head, our alumni, and more.
Information every graduate student will need—assistantships, teaching requirements, thesis research, and more.
Information on fellowships, scholarships, awards, and more for Penn State Entomology graduate students.
Deadlines, instructions, and more for applying to the Entomology graduate program at Penn State.
Handbooks and student orientation, information for international students, scholarship and research integrity, funding opportunities, and more for new Entomology graduate students.
Get information and answers to all your Penn State Entomology graduate program questions.