General Travel Information

  • Many travel questions can be answered at the University's Travel Services site on the web. Specific questions regarding travel should be directed to the departmental Bookkeeper.
  • Reimbursement for attendance at professional society meetings shall be at the discretion of the Department Head and major professor, and within the limitation of available departmental funds.
  • The William Yendol Memorial Grant-in-Aid will provide up to $250 support for graduate student travel for professional growth. Application deadlines are June 1 and December 1.
  • Students will be permitted a maximum of one subsidized trip/year. Funds will be provided as reimbursements following completion of a formal travel expense account accompanied by appropriate travel receipts. Awards will depend on availability of accrued interest in the fund.
  • College Travel Awards are available to encourage and to assist graduate student presentations of research findings at national and international professional meetings. Applications are accepted three times a year (April, August and December). More information can be found at the College's website.

Air Travel

Airfare must be direct billed to qualify for reimbursement. Travelers are required to make travel arrangements with one of the University-approved travel agencies. After arrangements have been finalized, complete a Direct Bill Authorization Airfare form, available on the upper shelf in the departmental mail room (502 ASI), and return to the Bookkeeper for processing.


  • Reimbursement of Travel Expenses is obtained by filling out a Travel Expense Account Form and submitting to the Bookkeeper for processing.
  • Receipts for lodging (must be itemized, no credit card slips), taxi, air service, registration, parking, etc., must be attached to expense account;
  • Meals are the only item for which receipts are not required.
  • A direct deposit will be made to your bank account in approximately two weeks.
  • Lodging is reimbursed at actual cost, meals at current per diem rate (CONUS Per Diem / OCONUS Per Diem), and personal vehicles at $.67/mile.
  • Reimbursement for one-day trips (without lodging) must also be accompanied by a signed One-day Travel Meal Reimbursement Report. Reimbursements for one-day trips are reported to the IRS as income and are subject to federal tax.