Outreach to the community is an important part of our mission. The Entomology Graduate Student Association members facilitate a wide variety of educational experiences, including insect-themed talks at local schools, entomology summer camps, and the annual Great Insect Fair.
Below are some general recommendations, created by our graduate students, for our outreach events. (Outreach Request Form) These guidelines were developed to help increase the impact of our outreach and to help explain some of our expectations for the events.
Recommendations for EGSA outreach
- Audience should be at least at the second grade level (although we can be flexible on this)
- Groups should have at least 15 participants per one volunteer, and there should always be a responsible adult present in addition to the volunteer to help manage the participants.
- Outreach activities at school groups should clearly fit into a topic in the curriculum, teachers should inform the outreach volunteer of what topics are being discussed in the current curriculum to ensure that the volunteer can effectively communicate relevant information.
- The number of outreach events offered by volunteers each semester will vary based on the capacity of the department, but will range from about 5-10 a semester. Outreach requests for the summer will be filled purely on a volunteer basis, and this is a time when many of our staff and students are particularly busy, so please be aware that we may not be able to fulfill as many requests during this time.
- It may take us up to a month to respond to your outreach requests, so please try to plan in advance.
- This is an entirely volunteer based process, and we will not be able to fulfill all requests.
- For travel to events more than 15 miles from the UP campus, we suggest a small donation to help cover student travel expenses.
Types of outreach that will be prioritized by our department
- Large "science fair" style events at schools or after school programs
- Lectures/activities in classrooms that clearly fit into the curriculum
- Tabling at festivals or community events