Hives toppled by bears.
Honey bee eggs laid by workers.
Honey bee frame with worker and drone
Honey bee swarm from Penn State observation hive.
Honey bee worker emerging from cell.
Honey Bees (drone on comb)
Honey bees attending queen's cell.
Honey bees fanning at entrance to hive.
House centipede
House centipede
Imperial moth
Imperial moths (mating)
Indian meal moth
Installing queen into hive with newly introduced bees.
Io moth
Io moth (larva)
Io moth (wings open)
Isabella Butterfly
Japanese beetle (adult)
Japanese beetle (damage to corn)
Japanese beetle (larva)
Japanese beetle (on corn)
Julia Butterfly
Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider
Larder beetle (in pet food)
Larder beetle (larva)
Leaf Cutting Bee
Leaf Cutting Bee
Leopard moth (adult)