American dog tick

American foulbrood

American foulbrood (pupal tongue)

American foulbrood (pupal tongue)

American foulbrood (scale)

American plum borer (adult female)

American plum borer (larva)

American spider beetle

Anobiid beetle holes (Deathwatch Beetle)

Apple maggot (adults)

Apple maggot (pupa)

Arabesque Orbweaver

Armyworm (life stages)

Asian longhorned beetle (adult)

Asian longhorned beetle (adult)

Asparagus beetle

Asparagus beetle (Eggs)

Bat tick

Bear damage to honey bee apiary

Bed bug

Bed bug (adult common)

Bed bug (adult common)

Bee fly (not a real bee)

Bee on approach to nest boxes for solitary bees in a planting of brambles

Billbug (adult)

Billbug (injury)

Billbug (seedling injury)

Bird mite

Black carpenter ant

Black carpenter ant