American plum borer (adult female)
American plum borer (larva)
Apple maggot (adults)
Apple maggot (pupa)
Black cherry aphids (adults)
Cherry fruit fly (adult)
Codling Moth (larva)
European apple sawfly (larva)
European fruit lecanium
European red mite
Green fruitworm (larva)
Green stink bug
Gypsy moth (female) and eggs
Gypsy moth (larva) on apple
Gypsy moth (larvae) on leaf
Japanese beetle (adult)
Japanese beetle (larva)
Japanese beetle (on corn)
Lesser peachtree borer (adult female)
Lesser peachtree borer (larvae)
Obliquebanded leafroller (larvae)
Peachtree borer
Pear psylla
Pear thrips on leaf
Periodical cicada
Plum curculio (adult)
Plum curculio (injury to apple and larva)
Potato leafhopper (adult and nymph)
Redbanded leafroller
Rosy apple aphid