Potato leafhopper
Potato leafhopper (adult and nymph)
Potato leafhopper (egg)
Potato leafhopper (injury to alfalfa)
Sap Beetle on Corn (adult)
Sap Beetle on Corn (larvae on corn kernels)
Seedcorn beetle (adult next to tweezers)
Seedcorn maggot
Slender seedcorn beetle
Slug (injury to corn)
Slug (injury to field corn seedling )
Slug (larvae)
Slug (soy plant injury)
Sod webworm
Sod webworm
Southwestern Corn Borer
Spittlebug (Meadow) (adult)
Spittlebug (Meadow) (eggs)
Spittlebug (Meadow) (injury to alfalfa)
Spittlebug (Meadow) (injury to oats)
Spotted alfalfa aphid
Stalk borer (adult)
Stalk borer (adults)
Stalk borer (eggs)
Stalk borer (injury to corn field)
Stalk borer (larva)
Stalk borer (larva)
Stalk borer (larva)
Stalk borer (larvae injury)
Stalk borer (larvae injury)