Periodical cicada
Plum curculio (adult)
Plum curculio (injury to apple and larva)
Polyphemus moth (adult)
Polyphemus moth (antennae)
Portion of nest boxes for solitary bees in progress
Postman Butterfly
Potato leafhopper
Potato leafhopper (adult and nymph)
Potato leafhopper (egg)
Potato leafhopper (injury to alfalfa)
Praying mantid
Praying mantid
Queen cage preparation.
Queen installed into hive with bees from packages.
Red Flour Beetle (dorsal view)
Red Flour Beetle (lateral view)
Red Lacewing
Red-spotted purple butterfly
Red-spotted purple butterfly larva
Redbanded leafroller
Rice Weevil (dorsal)
Rice Weevil (lateral view)
Rice Weevil (lateral)
Rose-seed megastigmus
Rosy apple aphid
Sacbrood (larvae from cell)
Saddleback caterpillar