Posted: April 26, 2021
The objective of this program is to provide IBC faculty, postdocs, staff and students opportunities to enhance their scientific network and develop new projects. Funding will support travel and lodging for individuals not based at the Penn State University Park campus, as well as refreshments and meals for workshop participants.

the Insect Biodiversity Center (IBC) is issuing a call for workshop proposals that will be funded through its Transdisciplinary Workshop Program. We aim to start the program in Fall 2021/Spring 2022 by funding two workshop proposals at $5,000 each.
The objective of the program is to provide IBC faculty, postdocs, staff and students opportunities to enhance their scientific network and develop new projects. Funding will support travel and lodging for individuals not based at the Penn State University Park campus, as well as refreshments and meals for workshop participants. Invited individuals can come from domestic and international institutions, and may include researchers, representatives from stakeholder, industry and non-profit groups, and government officials.
Proposals should be no more than two pages of text written to a broad audience. Interested applicants should contact Ruud Schilder ( with a brief summary of the proposed workshop proposal prior to submission of their full proposal which is due by July 1st 2021.
Proposals should minimally contain the following:
- A description of the proposed workshop, including how it will facilitate new research opportunities at Penn State University
- A description of the organizing team
- A description of the budget and proposed workshop dates and schedule.
For more detailed information, please see: