The Penn State Honey and Pollen Diagnostic Lab now is accepting honey and pollen samples from researchers and beekeepers who would like to identify the plants at the genus level from which honeybees are collecting nectar and pollen.

New updates have come to 'Beescape,' an online tool created by a Penn State-led team for assessing the quality of landscapes for supporting bees and other pollinators.

A team of Penn State researchers has received a $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to spearhead a new initiative to create novel monitoring systems for insect populations, many of which are experiencing dramatic changes across the globe due to changes in land use, pollution and climate change.

The INSSECT NET Careers Symposium provides a fun and engaging online platform for undergraduate students to learn about how graduate school can lead to a rewarding and well-paying career in a STEM field.

SAVE THE DATE - Bugs in the System 2023

Ten Penn State faculty have received Fulbright Scholar Awards for the 2023-24 academic year, according to the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.

This is the seventh short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Spring 2023, about each other's research.

This is the sixth short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Spring 2023, about each other's research.

Graduate students from the Penn State Entomology Department competed and won first place in the Entomology Games at this March's Entomological Society of America Eastern Branch Conference.

This is the fifth short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Spring 2023, about each other's research.

Pollinator Garden of Merit— Lorrie Preston Outstanding Pollinator Plants — Salix discolor, American pussy willow, by Lorri Schmick Protecting Pollinators— Avoiding Invasives: Acer platanoides, Norway maple, by Jen Mohler From the Center for Pollinator Research—New publication: Pollinator Plants to Support Bees

This is the fourth short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Spring 2023, about each other's research.

Wander through your backyard or walk along a stream and it’s likely you’ll see a snail – small, squishy animals with shells on their backs. Snails are found in water, whether in salty oceans, rivers or lakes. They’re also on land: in forests, grasslands and even your garden.

Christina Grozinger, Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology, has been awarded the 2023 President’s Award for Excellence in Academic Integration. The award is given to a full-time faculty member who has exhibited extraordinary achievement in the integration of teaching, research or creative accomplishment and service.

This is the second short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Spring 2023, about each other's research.

This is the first short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Spring 2023, about each other's research.

This is the tenth short news article written by students, during the professional development class of Fall 2022, about each other's research.

This is the ninth of ten short news articles written by students, during the professional development class of Fall 2022, about each other's research.

A consortium of institutions led by faculty in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences has received a $75,000 planning grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation aimed at expanding the recruitment of and opportunities for Black, Indigenous and Latino students to enroll in science, technology, engineering and mathematics graduate programs.

This is the eighth of ten short news articles written by students, during the professional development class of Fall 2022, about each other's research.

This is the seventh of ten short news articles written by students, during the professional development class of Fall 2022, about each other's research.

This is the sixth of ten short news articles written by students, during the professional development class of Fall 2022, about each other's research.

This is the fifth of ten short news articles written by students, during the professional development class of Fall 2022, about each other's research.

PSU undergraduate student Celia Graef has authored a new pocket guide which provides information about PA's most common night singing insects. Email IBC Education Specialist Heather Desorcie for a physical copy/copies!