Hymenoptera Stings
Incentivized Programs Help Farmers Protect Pollinators
Mace Vaughan, Xerces Society Pollinator Conservation Program Co-Director, highlights programs that support bee conservation as part of PSU Entomology's Global Perspectives in IPPM seminar series.
Insect Biodiversity Center to promote insect conservation, healthy ecosystems
The newly launched Insect Biodiversity Center at Penn State will create a focal point for the study and conservation of insects and the ecosystems with which they interact. The center brings together faculty researchers and educators from eight Penn State colleges.
Insect Life Under the Leaves
IBC Education Specialist Heather Desorcie reports on how leaf litter benefits insects and larger ecosystems
Insects: What's a Pest?
International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, Policy slated for 2023
Online registration and submission of abstracts now are open for the fifth International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy, which is scheduled for June 3-6, 2023, at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center on the University Park campus.
López-Uribe awarded presidential honor for early career scientists
Margarita López-Uribe, the Lorenzo L. Langstroth Early Career Professor of Entomology in the College of Agricultural Sciences, was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
Managing habitat for flowering plants may mitigate climate effects on bee health
By Chuck Gill