Penn State centers collaborate on pollinator education project
A recently awarded USDA grant will allow CPR researchers, alongside Center for Science and the Schools partners, to work with elementary school teachers in Pennsylvania to develop cross-disciplinary curricula that support students in understanding pollinator research in the areas of food, agriculture and natural resources.
Penn State pollinator experts author a new book that explores the lives of bees
Two renowned pollinator scientists in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences have co-authored a book that sheds light on one of the Earth’s most invaluable resources: bees. Christina Grozinger, the Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology and director of the Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State, and Harland Patch, assistant research professor in the Department of Entomology and director of pollinator programming at the Arboretum at Penn State, wrote, “The Lives of Bees: A Natural History of Our Planet’s Bee Life.” The book is the latest in the series, “The Lives of the Natural World.”
Penn State Extension: The Buzz
April 2017 Newsletter
Why are bees making less honey? Study reveals clues in five decades of data
Honey yields in the U.S. have been declining since the 1990s, with honey producers and scientists unsure why, but a new study by Penn State researchers has uncovered clues in the mystery of the missing honey.
Pollinators and Their Threats
Entomologists to study how climate change may influence pollinator stressors
A Penn State-led team of researchers will use a newly awarded $682,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture to examine how climate change may influence and interact with various stressors that affect the health of pollinators.
Pollinator brochurestate revision, York
Penn State unit partner projects highlight awareness, importance of pollinators
By Jodie LeMaster
Pollinator Policy: Motivation, Legislation, and On-going Efforts
Doug Holy National Invasive Species & Pollinator Specialist NRCS-Ecological Sciences Division 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 202-720-9096
Reflections from last week's Center for Pollinator Research Symposium
IBC Education Specialist Heather Desorcie reports on the success of this year's Center for Pollinator Research winter symposium