Summary of Pollinator Health Challenges: A bee’s perspective (Margarita López-Uribe)
Bees are a highly diverse group of pollinators. There are over 20,000 species of bees worldwide, 4,500 in North America, and 437 in Pennsylvania alone. Despite this variety, when people think of bees their minds tend to go to the image of a cute little honey bee living in a huge hive. However, that is not always the case. In this webinar, Dr. Margarita López-Uribe, Assistant Professor of Entomology and an Evolutionary Ecologist dispels two big myths about bees, discusses how human activity has impacted bees throughout their life cycle and provides guidance for how to make our gardens and landscape better for bees.
Tracking foraging patterns of bees with radar
Bee health is currently compromised in response to numerous environmental stressors including poor nutrition, exposure to pesticides, and climate change.
Insect Life Under the Leaves
IBC Education Specialist Heather Desorcie reports on how leaf litter benefits insects and larger ecosystems
A Beekeeper’s Perspective on U.S. Pesticide Policy
STEVE ELLIS Remarks for the First International Conference on Pollinator Health, Biology and Policy Penn State University July 26, 2010
How Neonicotinoids Can Kill Bees
The Science Behind the Role These Insecticides Play in Harming Bees
How Neonicotinoids Can Kill Bees
The Science Behind the Role These Insecticides Play in Harming Bees
Best Management Practices for Handling Seeds Treated With Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Grozinger CV
Feral colonies provide clues for enhancing honey bee tolerance to pathogens
Understanding the genetic and environmental factors that enable some feral honey bee colonies to tolerate pathogens and survive the winter in the absence of beekeeping management may help lead to breeding stocks that would enhance survival of managed colonies, according to a study led by researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.