10 Steps You Can Take to Support Local Biodiversity – Advice from Dr. Doug Tallamy
Center for Pollinator Research IPE Student Fellow Staci Cibotti outlines ten of Dr. Doug Tallamy's recommendations for improving local biodiversity.
2020/2021 Science to Practice Grants recipients announced
Ten integrated research and extension teams were awarded grants of up to $10,000. These grants support the formation and development of teams proposing to explore innovative methods, structures, and projects that foster the translation of research into outputs for dissemination and implementation.
A Beekeeper’s Perspective on U.S. Pesticide Policy
STEVE ELLIS Remarks for the First International Conference on Pollinator Health, Biology and Policy Penn State University July 26, 2010
Adding fall blooming plants may help both managed and wild bees in cities
Honey bees are not native to the U.S., leading to concerns that managed honey bee populations might negatively impact wild bees. However, a Penn State research team found that of the 33 genera of native bees studied, only a small number seemed to be negatively affected by the presence of honey bees.
Agroforestry - Windbreaks
Agroforestry_Enhancing Nest Sites For Native Bee Crop Pollinators
Animal Pollinated Plants
Approaches and Challenges to Managing Nosema (Microspora: Nosematidae) Parasites in Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies
Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits: Resurrecting a Classic Pathosystem