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Current and Former Graduate Students
- Justine George, 2008-present: Ph.D. student.
- Loyal Hall, 2007-present: M.S. student.
- Jonathan P. Lelito, Ph.D., 2008, Senior Scientist; USDA/APHIS, Brighton Michigan.
- Jeremy Heath, 2003-2004; Ph.D. student, withdrew in 2004 due to medical reasons. Currently at Wright State University
- Seong Gyu Lee, Ph.D., 2006, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biology, University of Utah.
- Neil J. Vickers, Ph.D., 1992, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Mark A. Willis, Ph.D., 1986, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
- P. Larry Phelan Ph.D., 1985, Professor, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- Bas Kuenen. Ph.D., 1982, Research Entomologist, USDA/ARS, Fresno, CA.
- Susan Van Vorhis Key. Ph.D., 1981, President "Traveling Insect and Arthropod Zoo", Tustin, CA.
Current and Former Post-Docs
- Andrew Myrick, 2005-Present; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Penn State University.
- Michael Domingue, 2005-Present Postdoctoral Research Associate, Penn State University.
- Seong Gyu Lee, 2006; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. Biology, University of Utah.
- Kye-Chung Park, 1995-2004; Senior Research Scientist, Plant & Food Research, Lincoln, New Zealand.
- Sam Ochieng, 1998-2002; Research Assistant Professor, Tennessee State University.
- Allard Cossé, 1992-1998; Research Scientist, USDA/ARS Peoria, Illinois.
- Junwei (Jerry) Zhu, 1994-2002; Research Scientist, USDA/ARS, Lincoln, Nebraska.
- Henry Fadamiro, 1996-1998; Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, Auburn University.
- Agenor Mafra-Neto, 1992-1994; President, ISCA Technologies, Riverside, California.
- Carme Quero, 1996-1998; Senior Scientist, CSIC Institute Proteomics Laboratory, Barcelona, Spain.
- Lee Anne Martinez, 1992-1994; Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Colorado State University.
- Julie Todd, 1989-1997; Technical Science Editor; Allen Press, Blackwell Publishing Professional, Cadmus Communications, a Cenveo company, Springer Publishing
- Rod Youngman, 1985-1988; Professor, Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech University.
- William Weisenborn, 1988-1989; Biologist, Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado.
- Rick Vetter, 1980-1992; Staff Research Associate, University of California, Riverside.
- Ken Haynes, 1980-1985; Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky.