What is the status of the spotted lanternfly in Lebanon County?

November 22, 2019

The spotted lanternfly made its presence known in Lebanon County this year, gnawing on trees from Bethel Township to Cornwall and beyond.

Extension experts: Risk of spotted lanternfly on Christmas trees is minimal

November 18, 2019

Folks worried that the spotted lanternfly will put a “bah humbug” into their holiday by taking up residence in their live Christmas tree should toss those concerns to the side like used wrapping paper, according to Penn State Extension experts.

Spotted lanternfly vehicle inspections suspended over winter for most employees

November 18, 2019

enn State employees whose work duties require travel to, from and within the spotted lanternfly quarantine zone in southeastern Pennsylvania now have a brief reprieve from mandatory vehicle inspections.

Penn State research projects awarded USDA organic agriculture grants

November 15, 2019

Three organic-agriculture projects led by faculty members in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences have received grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The funding, totaling more than $1.3 million, was awarded through USDA-NIFA's Organic Transitions Program.

Fighting An Insect Invasion With... An Insect Invasion

November 14, 2019

The spotted lanternfly is eating its way through trees and crops in eastern Pennsylvania. NPR science correspondent Dan Charles explains how scientists hope to stop the spread of this invasive pest by importing a natural enemy from its home in China.

Roush honored as fellow of the Entomological Society of America

November 13, 2019

Rick Roush, dean of Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, has been elected as an Entomological Society of America Fellow, an honor that acknowledges his outstanding contributions to entomology in research, teaching, extension and outreach.

Beescape Monthly Update for November

November 12, 2019

First for this month, we want to announce some current and upcoming changes to the Beescape site!

Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association promotes cross-pollination of ideas in panel discussion ‘Do you want to save the bees?’

November 12, 2019

This November, beekeepers from across Pennsylvania traveled to State College to discuss the state of the industry, provide training to new beekeepers, and to learn about recent scientific advances in bee research.

Frost Entomological Museum reopens after renovations, renewal

November 8, 2019

After being closed to the public for more than six years, Penn State's Frost Entomological Museum has reopened with new and improved exhibits, storage facilities, and research capacity, much to the delight of school groups and insect enthusiasts.

Pollinator project will complement Penn State solar power initiative

November 7, 2019

A unique undertaking in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences will shine a light on how solar farms can contribute to healthy ecosystems and boost pollinator populations.

Scorpion hitches a ride in potted plant

October 30, 2019

Holly Egan’s jungle-like home decor became a bit too authentic for her taste this week when a “very angry” house guest arrived at her Mercer home by way of a potted plant.

After this mushroom transforms ants into zombies, their bodies explode

October 30, 2019

An Ophiocordyceps dipterigina mushroom on a fly in the Brazilian forest reserve Adolfo Ducke. – João Araújo on the New York Times. Some are looking for the origin of our species. Others hunt for the origin of birds.

Two Maryland counties under quarantine amid spotted lanternfly invasion

October 30, 2019

The spotted lanternfly’s U.S. invasion has crossed the border from Pennsylvania into Maryland.

Pollinator project will complement Penn State solar power initiative

October 29, 2019

A unique undertaking in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences will shine a light on how solar farms can contribute to healthy ecosystems and boost pollinator populations.

What are those bees doing at your library?

October 25, 2019

Recently, bumble bees have been visiting libraries and museums around Pennsylvania. The bees have been helping families learn about the life sciences and how scientists study how bees and other animals live and are adapted to their environments.

After This Fungus Turns Ants Into Zombies, Their Bodies Explode

October 24, 2019

Evolutionary biologists retrace the history of life in all its wondrous forms. Some search for the origin of our species. Others hunt for the origin of birds.

Truckers Advised to Watch for Invasive Spotted Lanternfly

October 24, 2019

State and federal agriculture officials in several Northeastern states are having limited success in containing the spread of the spotted lanternfly, an invasive insect from China threatening billions of dollars in crop losses.

The Frost Museum’s Metamorphosis: Museum Reopens in Time for 50th Anniversary

October 21, 2019

After entering the museum, visitors who head toward the left wall will encounter a great swarm of insects. The pinned specimens are arranged in 16 repurposed insect drawers, configured in a four-by-four grid. Looking closer, visitors will observe that the insects are clustered, not randomly—but according to their taxonomic group. The eagle-eyed may notice that the size of each cluster is proportional to that group’s diversity: a cloud of flies, a battalion of beetles, a mass of moths and butterflies; just a smattering of scorpionflies, a handful of stick insects. Within the multitudes, 100 specimens are adorned with a number corresponding to a poster with more information about that species.

‘Extremely terrified:’ Wineries in Bucks facing threat from spotted lanternfly

October 17, 2019

The invasive pest has killed vines and forced the closure of wineries in Berks and Lehigh counties. Bucks County is already seeing damages, as researchers study a nearby vineyard with an eye toward solutions.

Spotted lanternflies pose serious threat to vineyards in Pa.

October 17, 2019

Pennsylvania is the fourth largest producer of wine in the country, but there's a serious threat affecting some of the vineyards in our area.

How you can help prevent an invasive bug from making Pittsburgh home

October 17, 2019

Tailgates, football games and festivals. It's a busy time for people to be zig-zagging across Pennsylvania and that's causing new fears from the state. They don't want an invasive bug, the spotted lanternfly catching a ride into our area.

Speakers to discuss hungry plants, explosive beetles and the scent of fear

October 11, 2019

Interactions between insects, predators and plants may be difficult to observe, but they contain powerful clues to how we could save our crops and natural spaces. Enter the world of entomology, where plants and beetles are the masters of natural chemical weapons and the risk of being eaten is real.

Graduate student outreach showcases a world with and without insects at the 2019 PSU Great Insect Fair

October 10, 2019

Penn State Entomology graduate students were able to bring aspects of their research to the public at the annual Great Insect Fair (GIF). Located in the Snider Agricultural Arena, the GIF theme for 2019 was “A world with(out) insects” and students were able to showcase what our world would look like without some key critters and certainly what outreach efforts look like with graduate students at the forefront.

PSU gets $7.3 million grant for spotted lanternfly research

October 9, 2019

Spotted lantern flies have been destroying fruit trees and vineyards in the Philadelphia area.

Nanoporous Antireflection Coatings secures $75,000 in tech tournament

October 8, 2019

Invent Penn State's Tech Tournament is a showcase of disruptive technologies and early-stage companies

Penn State receives $7.3 million grant to advance spotted lanternfly research

October 7, 2019

A $7.3 million grant awarded to Penn State will support an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional team of researchers as they conduct research and develop strategies to combat the spotted lanternfly.

Stomp and squish: Pennsylvanians battle ‘nightmare’ bugs

October 3, 2019

In the Great Spotted Lanternfly War, Pennsylvania’s citizen-soldiers are fighting back with fly swatters and vacuums, dish soap and sticky tape. They’re stomping and spraying and zapping and bragging about their kills on social media. “DESTROY THEM,” a propaganda poster urges. “Die, die, die, spotted lanternfly,” a balladeer sings.

Invasive Insect That Sucks the Life Out of Crops Is Spreading

October 3, 2019

The spotted lanternfly is damaging Pennsylvania vineyards and threatening other farm goods and trees. Researchers are looking at a fungus and tiny wasps as options to kill it.

Biopesticide holds promise in grounding spotted lanternfly

October 3, 2019

Researchers testing a biopesticide to control spotted lanternfly in areas of Norristown Farm Park this past summer are encouraged by the results and say they may have discovered a very effective weapon to stamp out the invasive pests.

Beescape Monthly Update for October

October 1, 2019

With summer now behind us and autumn nectar flows drawing to close, your honey bees will likely spend less time foraging as the temperature continues to drop.