Beekeeping: Cell Builder Basics

April 27, 2020

Honey bee colony behavior is dynamic and extremely adaptable, which allows for easy manipulation and management of these amazing social insects.

Gene-editing protocol for whitefly pest opens door to control

April 23, 2020

Whiteflies are among the most important agricultural pests in the world, yet they have been difficult to genetically manipulate and control, in part, because of their small size. An international team of researchers has overcome this roadblock by developing a CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing protocol that could lead to novel control methods for this devastating pest.

Common soil fungus could be ally in organic corn growers' fight against pests

April 22, 2020

A common soil fungus might be enlisted as a powerful partner by corn producers to suppress pests and promote plant growth, according to Penn State researchers, who suggest promoting the fungus could be an especially valuable strategy for organic growers who struggle with insect control.

Entomologist named Black Award recipient in College of Agricultural Sciences

April 11, 2020

Kelli Hoover, professor of entomology in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, is the recipient of the 2019 Alex and Jessie C. Black Award for Excellence in Research.

For a limited time, Penn State Extension offers Beekeeping 101 online course for free

April 6, 2020

As a way to support its customers during the coronavirus pandemic, Penn State Extension is offering its library of online courses at no cost through April.

Extension educators offer tips on managing spring spotted-lanternfly egg hatch

April 6, 2020

An early spring brings warmth, daffodils and outside play. It also signals — to the chagrin of many property owners across Pennsylvania and beyond — the next generation of spotted lanternflies.

Beescape Monthly Update for April

April 3, 2020

This is the eighth of our new monthly updates from us here at Beescape! As always, we will use this newsletter to share Beescape updates, interesting study results, and other relevant information related to Beescape and associated projects!

Bug of the Month - April 2020

April 1, 2020

Bug of the Month is a student–run monthly post which highlights the diversity of insects found in Pennsylvania.

Beescape Monthly Update for March

March 30, 2020

Greetings from the Beescape Team!

Pollen nutrition may guide broad patterns of bee species host-plant preferences

March 23, 2020

Bees balance their protein and lipids from pollen of different flowers. Our new research article analyzes a suite of plant species pollen nutritional values to discover trends in bee-flower interactions. This dataset could help growers, gardeners, and conservationists when selecting plant species to choose for pollinator habitat restoration by providing species rich and nutritionally diverse landscapes.

Pesticide seed coatings are widespread but underreported

March 23, 2020

Pesticide-coated seeds — such as neonicotinoids, many of which are highly toxic to both pest and beneficial insects — are increasingly used in the major field crops, but are underreported, in part, because farmers often do not know what pesticides are on their seeds, according to an international team of researchers. The lack of data may complicate efforts to evaluate the value of different pest management strategies, while also protecting human health and the environment.

Viruses in honey bees: identification and management strategies

March 20, 2020

Honey bees are infected with many different kinds of viruses. However, most virus infections are not problematic, if the honey bee colony is healthy and does not experience chronic stress.

Blossoms get a boost from the blues

March 17, 2020

Researcher shows blue orchard bees improve fruit set in Washington cherries and pears.

'Sustainable intensification' of cropping systems good for farmers, environment

March 12, 2020

By diversifying their crop rotations to create conditions that promote beneficial, predatory insects to combat pests, farmers can reduce their reliance on insecticides to control early-season crop pests, such as caterpillars, and still produce competitive yields of corn and soybeans.

Safe pest management in schools and childcare facilities is focus of manual

March 11, 2020

The Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program, a collaboration between Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, has developed the book, “IPM for Pennsylvania Schools and Childcares: A How-To Manual.”

Spotted lanternfly battle heating up for 2020

March 5, 2020

At events like the Pennsylvania Farm Show and programs by Penn State Extension, among the hand-out materials this year is a business card-sized rectangle of plastic imprinted with photos of the spotted lanternfly and egg masses of the insects and instructions on using the too to scrape the egg masses from surfaces like trees, rocks and patio furniture.

Bug of the Month - March 2020

March 3, 2020

Bug of the Month is a student–run monthly post which highlights the diversity of insects found in Pennsylvania.

Wildflower Power: wildflower plantings benefit blue orchard bee reproduction in commercial orchards

February 26, 2020

Insect-mediated pollination provides an essential ecosystem service to wild and managed landscapes, and ensures the production of food, fuel and fiber that is vital for human survival.

Spot on: Efforts to stop spotted lanternfly are ongoing for Penn State, agencies

February 25, 2020

For residents of southeastern Pennsylvania, winter provides a brief respite from the spotted lanternfly, an insect invader that has impeded their warm-weather enjoyment for the past several years. But for scientists, extension specialists and government regulatory officials, putting a stop to the pest is a year-round endeavor.

Penn State responds: App aids UN efforts to control Africa's locust infestation

February 24, 2020

A partnership with the UN enables Penn State researchers to rapidly respond to the locust crisis with an artificial intelligence tool that tracks the insects’ spread.

Rethinking Laser Pointers

February 24, 2020

Laser pointers are perhaps the most abused visual aids in lectures and conference presentations. Yes, I know that they’re a lot of fun to use, but when you’re giving a talk, it’s not about you -- it’s about your audience and how to effectively communicate your work to them.

Center for Pollinator Research 2019 Newsletter

February 19, 2020

Events, Special Announcements, Awards and more...

An Introduction to Queen Honey Bee Development

February 17, 2020

The queen is the most important individual in a colony. She is the only bee capable of producing workers and tens of thousands of workers are required for strong colonies.

Berks County landscapers offer advice on fighting spotted lanternfly.

February 13, 2020

Spotted lanternfly populations declined in many parts of Berks County in 2019, but experts believe the pest is here to stay and will only continue branching out into neighboring communities.

National Geographic: Bumblebees are going extinct in a time of ‘climate chaos’

February 13, 2020

BUMBLEBEES, AMONG THE most important pollinators, are in trouble. Fuzzy and buzzy, they excel at spreading pollen and fertilizing many types of wild flora, as well as crucial agricultural crops like tomatoes, blueberries, and squash.

Shelby Fleischer Receives 2020 Annual Award

February 12, 2020

Each year the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association gives its Annual Award to an individual who has a long-standing record of service and dedication to the vegetable, potato and/or berry industry or the Association.

Pollinator Protection Data Informs EPA Neonicotinoid Risk Assessments

February 10, 2020

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released proposed interim registration review decisions for neonicotinoid insecticides (Federal Register Feb 3, 2020).

Penn State and University of Freiburg team up to create new educational programs on integrated pest and pollinator management

February 6, 2020

Penn State and the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg have announced the selection of two proposals for a novel initiative in piloting an online classroom project between the two universities.

Coronavirus Question: What Is a Super Spreader? A Scary Infectious Disease.

February 5, 2020

Whether by biology or behavior, some people in the crowd will transmit coronavirus to more than the average number of others.

New Pollinator And Bird Garden Will Expand Penn State Arboretum By 60%

February 5, 2020

Construction is underway on the Arboretum’s new Pollinator and Bird Garden. The $9 million project is the culmination of years of development going back nearly a decade.