This is the 1st of thirteen short news articles written by students, during the professional development class, about each other's research.
In a Letter from the Editor in the latest issue of the Journal of Chemical Ecology, John Romeo, who has served as Editor-in-Chief for the journal over the past couple of decades, announced that he is stepping down and that Gary Felton of Penn State University will take over in this position beginning with the February issue of the Journal. Romeo stated, “Gary brings breadth, leadership, and experience to the Journal, as well as a commitment to keeping our standards high and continuing to raise our profile in the competitive publishing arena. I am pleased and confident that the Journal is in good hands.”
The president’s early actions have created uncertainty for the country’s scientists, and could be standing in the way of important research.
This is the 9th of thirteen short news articles written by students, during the professional development class, about each other's research.