Margarita López-Uribe, Ph.D.
- Lorenzo L. Langstroth Early Career Professor
- Associate Professor of Entomology
University Park, PA 16802
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- NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, North Carolina State University, NC, USA.
- Ph.D. Entomology, Cornell University, NY, USA.
- M.Sc. Genetics and Evolution, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil.
- B.S., Biology, University de los Andes, Colombia
Research Interests
Declines in bee populations worldwide have raised concerns about the environmental and economic consequences of pollination loss in natural and human-dominated ecosystems. I am interested in understanding how environmental change (e.g. land use, climate) and management (e.g. beekeeping practices) drive changes in population demography and health of wild and managed bee species. My ultimate goal is to contribute with informed strategies for conservation and restoration of bee populations and the ecosystem services they provide.
López-Uribe MM, Minckley RL, Cane J, Danforth BN (2016) Crop domestication facilitated rapid geographical expansion of a specialist pollinator, the squash bee Peponapis pruinosa. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 283: 20160443. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0443
Kamvar ZN, López-Uribe MM, Coughan S, Grünwald NJ, Lapp H, Manel S (2016) Developing educational tools for population genetics in R: a shared and interactive approach. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12558
Youngsteadt E, Moylett H, López-Uribe MM, Hamblin AL (2016) T.B. Mitchell: The man behind 'The Bees of the Eastern United States'. American Entomologist. doi: 10.1093/ae/tmw023
López-Uribe MM, Sconiers WB, Frank SD, Dunn RR, Tarpy DR (2016) Reduced cellular immune response in social insect lineages. Biology Letters 12: 20150984. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0984
Youngsteadt E, Appler RH, López-Uribe MM, Tarpy DR, Frank SD (2015) Urbanization increases pathogen pressure on feral and managed honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). PLoS One 10: e0142031. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142031
López-Uribe MM, Morreale SJ, Santiago CK, Danforth BN (2015) Nest suitability, fine-scale population structure and male-mediated dispersal of a solitary ground nesting bee in an urban landscape. PLoS One 10(5):e0125719. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125719
Ramírez SR, Hernández C, Link A, López-Uribe MM (2015) Seasonal cycles, phylogenetic assembly, and functional diversity of orchid bee communities. Ecology and Evolution 5: 1896-1907. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1466
López-Uribe MM, Cardoso CF, Zamudio KR, Danforth BN (2014) Climate, physiological tolerance, and sex-biased dispersal shape genetic structure of Neotropical orchid bees. Molecular Ecology 23:1874–1890
Oi CA, López-Uribe MM, Cervini M, Del Lama MA (2013). Non-lethal method of DNA sampling in euglossine bees supported by mark-recapture experiments and microsatellite genotyping. Journal of Insect Conservation 17:1071-1079
López-Uribe MM, Santiago CK, Bogdanowicz SM, Danforth BN (2013) Discovery and characterization of microsatellite primers for the solitary ground nesting bee Colletes inaequalis using enriched libraries and 454 sequencing. Apidologie 44:163-172
López-Uribe MM, Green AN, Ramírez SR, Bogdanowicz SM, Danforth BN (2011) Isolation and cross-species characterization of polymorphic microsatellites for the orchid bee Eulaema meriana (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini). Conservation Genetics Resources 3:21-23
Wikelski M, Moxley J, Eaton-Mordas A, López-Uribe MM, Holland R, Moskowitz D, Roubik DW, Kays R (2010) Large-range movements of Neotropical orchid bees observed via radio telemetry. PLoS One 5(5): e10738. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010738
López-Uribe MM, Oi CA, Del Lama MA (2008) Nectar-foraging behavior of euglossine bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in urban areas. Apidologie 39:410-418
López-Uribe MM, Del Lama MA (2007) Molecular identification of urban species of euglossine bees by PCR-RFLP and sequencing. Neotropical Entomology 36:712-720
López-Uribe MM, Almanza MT, Ordoñez M (2007) Diploid male frequencies in Colombian populations of euglossine bees. Biotropica 39:660-662
Gaspar JCW, López-Uribe MM, Del Lama MA (2007) Allozyme variation and sociogenetic structure of Polistes satan Bequaert 1940 colonies (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Genetics and Molecular Biology 30:470-474.