Kelli Hoover, Ph.D.

Kelli Hoover, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Entomology
  • Center for Chemical Ecology
  • Center for Pollinator Research
  • Insect Biodiversity Center
517 Ag Sciences & Industries Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Biology and ecology of invasive species
  • Insect-microbial symbiosis
  • Tritrophic interactions
  • Insect virology
  • Pollination of forest trees


  • BS, University of California, Berkeley, 1979
  • MS, San Jose State University, 1992
  • PhD, University of California, Davis, 1997

Current Graduate Students

  • Adam Scherr, M.S. student co-advised by Dr. Felton. Adam is investigating the potential ability of fall armyworm and/or its gut microbiota to synthesize phytohormones that regulate plant defenses.
  • Anne Johnson, PhD student. Anne is exploring sequestration of toxins from the preferred host tree of heaven by spotted lanternfly and implications for predator-prey interactions.

Postdoctoral Scholars

  • Dr. Joe Keller: spotted lanternfly population dynamics
  • Dr. Karolina Szymona: development of novel modifications of radio frequency technology for sanitizing wood packaging materials used in international trade.

Department Focus Area

Spotted lanternfly biology and ecology, plant-insect-microbe interactions, invasive species in forest systems, methods to exclude invasive species in wood products

Research Interests

Chemical ecology: Plant-insect-symbiont/pathogen interactions

Invasive species: Biology, ecology, and population dynamics of spotted lanternfly in forest systems


The Insect Connection (World Campus)

Management of Insect Pests of Ornamentals

Research Activities & Interests

1) Spotted lanternfly (SLF) is a recently introduced pest from Asia with a very broad host range, is rapidly spreading, and is a serious pest of grape, and numerous hardwood tree species in over 20 families. We are investigating: sequestration of toxins by SLF from their preferred host impacts and how this impacts predation, methods to sample SLF populations to determine abundance and distribution in different habitats; and impacts of SLF feeding on host tree physiology.

2) To prevent invasive, exotic pests (insects, nematodes, and fungi) from moving in/on wood packing materials and wood products, international regulations require phytosanitary treatments before pallets and crates can be shipped out of the country of origin. As a member of the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group, an advisory body to the technical panels of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) of the United Nations, Hoover collaborates on research with industrial engineers and wood products scientists to improve efficacy of radio frequency (RF) technology as an alternative treatment to methyl bromide fumigation.  Hoover is party to a cooperative research and development agreement with USDA APHIS and patents for innovations in RF technology on refinements to the technology that have greatly reduced energy consumption during commercial operations.

Recent Publications In press

Elmquist, J., K. Hoover and D. Biddinger. 2023. Floral visitors of red maple and tree-of-heaven at potential risk of neonicotinoid exposure from spotted lanternfly control. Great Lakes Entomologist, in press.

Elmquist, J., D. Biddinger, N.T. Phan, T.W. Moural, F. Zhu and K. Hoover. 2023. Potential risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid applications to host trees for management of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). J Econ. Entomol., in press.

Laveaga, E., K. Hoover, and F. Acevedo. 2023. Life history traits of spotted lanternfly when feeding on grapevines and tree of heaven. Frontiers in Insect Science, in press.

Lavely, E.K., L. Iavorivska, O. Uyi, E. Primka, J.  Harper, B. Walsh, D.M. Eissenstat, and K. Hoover.  2022. Impacts of short-term feeding by Lycorma delicatula on ecophysiology of hardwood trees in a common garden. Front. Insect Sci.


Effects of baculovirus-killed cadavers on plant defenses and insect behavior
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Jones, Asher G., Shikano, Ikkei, Mason, Charles J., Peiffer, Michelle, Felton, Gary W., Hoover, Kelli, 2025

Approach to Validate ISPM-15 Compliance for Commercial Treatment Certification of Dielectric Standard Heating of Bulk Solid Wood Packing Materials using Radio Frequency
Forest Products Journal, Szymona, Karolina K., Janowiak, John Jack, Mack, Ron, Hamelin, Mark, Gagnon, Mark A., Hoover, Kelli, 2024

Influence of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) on Multiple Maple (Acer spp.) Species Canopy Foliar Spectral and Chemical Profiles
Remote Sensing, Joll, Elisabeth G., Ginzel, Matthew D., Hoover, Kelli, Couture, John J., 2024

Architecture and potential roles of a delta-class glutathione S-transferase in protecting honey bee from agrochemicals
Chemosphere, Moural, Timothy W., Koirala B K, Sonu, Bhattarai, Gaurab, He, Ziming, Guo, Haoyang, Phan, Ngoc T., Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., Hoover, Kelli, Zhu, Fang, 2024

Effects of long-term feeding by spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) on ecophysiology of common hardwood host trees
Environmental Entomology, Hoover, Kelli, Iavorivska, Lidiia, Lavely, Emily K., Uyi, Osariyekemwen, Walsh, Brian, Swackhamer, Emelie, Johnson, Anne, Eissenstat, David, 2023

Approach to surveying egg masses of the invasive spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
Environmental Entomology, Keller, Joseph A., Hoover, Kelli, 2023

Efficacy and nontarget effects of broadcast treatments to manage spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) nymphs
Journal of Economic Entomology, Keller, Joseph A., Walsh, Brian, Johnson, Anne, Jenkins, Nina, Rost, John, Treichler, Brianna, Biddinger, David, Calvin, Dennis D., Hoover, Kelli, Urban, Julie, Roush, Richard T., 2023

Tomato Chemical Defenses Intensify Corn Earworm (Helicoverpa zea) Mortality from Opportunistic Bacterial Pathogens
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Mason, Charles J., Peiffer, Michelle, Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary, 2023

Potential risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid applications to host trees for management of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
Journal of Economic Entomology, Elmquist, Jonathan, Biddinger, David, Phan, Ngoc T., Moural, Timothy W., Zhu, Fang, Hoover, Kelli, 2023

Life history traits of spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) when feeding on grapevines and tree of heaven
Frontiers in Insect Science, Laveaga, Erica, Hoover, Kelli, Acevedo, Flor E., 2023

Using community science to identify predators of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), in North America
Bulletin of Entomological Research, Johnson, Anne, Cornell, Allison, Hermann, Sara, Zhu, Fang, Hoover, Kelli, 2023

Host-Specific larval lepidopteran mortality to pathogenic Serratia mediated by poor diet
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Mason, Charles J., Peiffer, Michelle, Felton, Gary W., Hoover, Kelli, 2022

Opposing Growth Responses of Lepidopteran Larvae to the Establishment of Gut Microbiota
Microbiology spectrum, Mason, Charles J., Peiffer, Michelle, Chen, Bosheng, Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary W., 2022

Baculoviruses hijack the visual perception of their caterpillar hosts to induce climbing behaviour thus promoting virus dispersal
Molecular Ecology, Liu, Xiaoming, Tian, Zhiqiang, Cai, Limei, Shen, Zhongjian, Michaud, J. P., Zhu, Lin, Yan, Shuo, Ros, Vera I.D., Hoover, Kelli, Li, Zhen, Zhang, Songdou, Liu, Xiaoxia, 2022

Insect Visitors of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) (Rosales: Rosaceae) and Factors Affecting Viable Seed Production
Environmental Entomology, McLaughlin, Rachel, Keller, Joseph, Wagner, Elizabeth, Biddinger, David, Grozinger, Christina, Hoover, Kelli, 2022

Concerted impacts of antiherbivore defenses and opportunistic Serratia pathogens on the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
Oecologia, Mason, Charles J., Peiffer, Michelle, St Clair, Abbi, Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary W., 2022

Impacts of short-term feeding by spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) on ecophysiology of young hardwood trees in a common garden
Frontiers in Insect Science, Lavely, Emily, Iavorivska, Lidiia, Uyi, Osariyekemwen, Eissenstat, David, Walsh, Brian, Primka, Edward J., Harper, Jeremy, Hoover, Kelli, 2022

Improved Radio-Frequency Heating through Application of Wool Insulation during Phytosanitary Treatment of Wood Packaging Material of Low Moisture Content
Forest Products Journal, Janowiak, John J., Szymona, Karolina S., Dubey, Manoj K., Mack, Ron, Hoover, Kelli, 2022

Performance and host association of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) among common woody ornamentals
Scientific Reports, Uyi, Osariyekemwen, Keller, Joseph A., Swackhamer, Emelie, Hoover, Kelli, 2021

Spotted Lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) Nymphal Dispersion Patterns and Their Influence on Field Experiments
Environmental Entomology, Calvin, D. D., Keller, J., Rost, J., Walsh, B., Biddinger, D., Hoover, K., Treichler, B., Johnson, A., Roush, R. T., 2021

Host permissiveness to baculovirus influences time-dependent immune responses and fitness costs
Insect Science, Pan, Qinjian, Shikano, Ikkei, Felton, Gary W., Liu, Tong Xian, Hoover, Kelli, 2021

Salicinoid phenolics reduce adult Anoplophora glabripennis (Cerambicidae: Lamiinae) feeding and egg production
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Mason, Charles J., Rubert-Nason, Kennedy, Lindroth, Richard L., Shi, Juan, Hoover, Kelli, 2021

Dispersion patterns and sample size estimates for egg masses of spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
Environmental Entomology, Keller, J., Rost, J., Hoover, K., Urban, J., Leach, H., Porras, M., Walsh, B., Bosold, M., Calvin, D., 2020

Dispersal of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) Nymphs through Contiguous, Deciduous Forest
Environmental Entomology, Keller, Joseph A., Johnson, Anne E., Uyi, Osariyekemwen, Wurzbacher, Sarah, Long, David, Hoover, Kelli, 2020

Spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) can complete development and reproduce without access to the preferred host, ailanthus altissima
Environmental Entomology, Uyi, Osariyekemwen, Keller, Joseph A., Johnson, Anne, Long, David, Walsh, Brian, Hoover, Kelli, 2020

Asymmetric Responses to Climate Change: Temperature Differentially Alters Herbivore Salivary Elicitor and Host Plant Responses to Herbivory
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Paudel, Sulav, Lin, Po An, Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary W., Rajotte, Edwin G., 2020

Comparing Asian Gypsy Moth [Lymantria dispar asiatica (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) and L. dispar japonica] Trap Data From East Asian Ports With Lab Parameterized Phenology Models: New Tools and Questions
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Trotter, R. Talbot, Limbu, Samita, Hoover, Kelli, Nadel, Hannah, Keena, Melody A., Macaluso, Kevin, 2020

Potential Impacts of Translocation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides to Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum (Malvales: Malvaceae)) Extrafloral Nectar on Parasitoids
Environmental Entomology, Jones, Asher G., Hoover, Kelli, Pearsons, Kirsten, Tooker, John F., Felton, Gary W., 2020

Diet influences proliferation and stability of gut bacterial populations in herbivorous lepidopteran larvae
PLoS One, Mason, Charles J., St Clair, Abbi, Peiffer, Michelle, Gomez, Elena, Jones, Asher G., Felton, Gary W., Hoover, Kelli, 2020

Parasitic Wasp Mediates Plant Perception of Insect Herbivores
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Tan, Ching Wen, Peiffer, Michelle, Hoover, Kelli, Rosa, Cristina, Felton, Gary W., 2019

Host plant and population source drive diversity of microbial gut communities in two polyphagous insects
Scientific Reports, Jones, Asher G., Mason, Charles J., Felton, Gary W., Hoover, Kelli, 2019

Divergent host plant utilization by adults and offspring is related to intra-plant variation in chemical defences
Journal of Animal Ecology, Mason, Charles J., Long, David C., Lindroth, Richard L., Hoover, Kelli, 2019

Plant defenses interact with insect enteric bacteria by initiating a leaky gut syndrome
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Mason, Charles J., Ray, Swayamjit, Shikano, Ikkei, Peiffer, Michelle, Jones, Asher G., Luthe, Dawn S., Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary W., 2019

Labial and maxillary palp recordings of the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis, reveal olfactory and hygroreceptive capabilities
Journal of Insect Physiology, Hall, Loyal P., Graves, Fern, Myrick, Andrew, Hoover, Kelli, Baker, Thomas C., 2019

Pathogen-Mediated Tritrophic Interactions: Baculovirus-Challenged Caterpillars Induce Higher Plant Defenses than Healthy Caterpillars
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Pan, Qinjian, Shikano, Ikkei, Hoover, Kelli, Liu, Tong Xian, Felton, Gary W., 2019

Enterobacter ludwigii, isolated from the gut microbiota of Helicoverpa zea, promotes tomato plant growth and yield without compromising anti-herbivore defenses
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Pan, Qinjian, Shikano, Ikkei, Hoover, Kelli, Liu, Tong Xian, Felton, Gary W., 2019

Host-plant induced changes in microbial community structure and midgut gene expression in an invasive polyphage (Anoplophora glabripennis
Scientific Reports, Scully, Erin D., Geib, Scott M., Mason, Charles J., Carlson, John E., Tien, Ming, Chen, Han Yi, Harding, Scott, Tsai, Chung Jui, Hoover, Kelli, 2018

Herbivore-Induced Defenses in Tomato Plants Enhance the Lethality of the Entomopathogenic Bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Shikano, Ikkei, Pan, Qinjian, Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary W., 2018

Jasmonic acid-induced plant defenses delay caterpillar developmental resistance to a baculovirus: Slow-growth, high-mortality hypothesis in plant–insect–pathogen interactions
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Shikano, Ikkei, McCarthy, Elizabeth, Hayes-Plazolles, Nancy, Slavicek, James M., Hoover, Kelli, 2018

Olfactory Sensory Neurons of the Asian Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis, Specifically Responsive to its two Aggregation-Sex Pheromone Components
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Wei, Jianrong, Zhou, Qiong, Hall, Loyal, Myrick, Andrew, Hoover, Kelli, Shields, Kathleen, Baker, Thomas C., 2018

Gut-Associated Bacteria of Helicoverpa zea Indirectly Trigger Plant Defenses in Maize
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Wang, Jie, Yang, Mingyu, Song, Yuanyuan, Acevedo, Flor E., Hoover, Kelli, Zeng, Rensen, Felton, Gary W., 2018

Correction to: Gut-Associated Bacteria of Helicoverpa zea Indirectly Trigger Plant Defenses in Maize (Journal of Chemical Ecology, (2018), 44, 7-8, (690-699), 10.1007/s10886-018-0970-0)
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Wang, Jie, Yang, Mingyu, Song, Yuanyuan, Acevedo, Flor E., Hoover, Kelli, Zeng, Rensen, Felton, Gary W., 2018

Symbiotic polydnavirus of a parasite manipulates caterpillar and plant immunity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Tan, Ching Wen, Peiffer, Michelle, Hoover, Kelli, Rosa, Cristina, Acevedo, Flor E., Felton, Gary W., 2018

Host miRNAs are involved in hormonal regulation of HaSNPV-triggered climbing behaviour in Helicoverpa armigera
Molecular Ecology, Zhang, Songdou, An, Shiheng, Hoover, Kelli, Li, Zhen, Li, Xiangrui, Liu, Xiaoming, Shen, Zhongjian, Fang, Haibo, Ros, Vera I.D., Zhang, Qingwen, Liu, Xiaoxia, 2018

Within gut physicochemical variation does not correspond to distinct resident fungal and bacterial communities in the tree-killing xylophage, Anoplophora glabripennis
Journal of Insect Physiology, Mason, Charles J., Long, David C., McCarthy, Elizabeth M., Nagachar, Nivedita, Rosa, Cristina, Scully, Erin D., Tien, Ming, Hoover, Kelli, 2017

Plant genotype and induced defenses affect the productivity of an insect-killing obligate viral pathogen
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Shikano, Ikkei, McCarthy, Elizabeth M., Elderd, Bret D., Hoover, Kelli, 2017

Effects of temperature on development of lymantria dispar asiatica and lymantria dispar Japonica (lepidoptera: Erebidae)
Environmental Entomology, Limbu, Samita, Keena, Melody, Chen, Fang, Cook, Gericke, Nadel, Hannah, Hoover, Kelli, 2017

Helicoverpa zea gut-associated bacteria indirectly induce defenses in tomato by triggering a salivary elicitor(s)
New Phytologist, Wang, Jie, Peiffer, Michelle, Hoover, Kelli, Rosa, Cristina, Zeng, Rensen, Felton, Gary W., 2017

Plant-mediated effects on an insect–pathogen interaction vary with intraspecific genetic variation in plant defences
Oecologia, Shikano, Ikkei, Shumaker, Ketia L., Peiffer, Michelle, Felton, Gary W., Hoover, Kelli, 2017

Fall armyworm-associated gut bacteria modulate plant defense responses
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Acevedo, Flor E., Peiffer, Michelle, Tan, Ching Wen, Stanley, Bruce A., Stanley, Anne, Wang, Jie, Jones, Asher G., Hoover, Kelli, Rosa, Cristina, Luthe, Dawn, Felton, Gary, 2017

Host plant species determines symbiotic bacterial community mediating suppression of plant defenses
Scientific Reports, Chung, Seung Ho, Scully, Erin D., Peiffer, Michelle, Geib, Scott M., Rosa, Cristina, Hoover, Kelli, Felton, Gary W., 2017

Genome of the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis), a globally significant invasive species, reveals key functional and evolutionary innovations at the beetle-plant interface
Genome Biology, McKenna, Duane D., Scully, Erin D., Pauchet, Yannick, Hoover, Kelli, Kirsch, Roy, Geib, Scott M., Mitchell, Robert F., Waterhouse, Robert M., Ahn, Seung Joon, Arsala, Deanna, Benoit, Joshua B., Blackmon, Heath, Bledsoe, Tiffany, Bowsher, Julia H., Busch, André, Calla, Bernarda, Chao, Hsu, Childers, Anna K., Childers, Christopher, Clarke, Dave J., Cohen, Lorna, Demuth, Jeffery P., Dinh, Huyen, Doddapaneni, Harsha Vardhan, Dolan, Amanda, Duan, Jian J., Dugan, Shannon, Friedrich, Markus, Glastad, Karl M., Goodisman, Michael A.D., Haddad, Stephanie, Han, Yi, Hughes, Daniel S.T., Ioannidis, Panagiotis, Johnston, J. Spencer, Jones, Jeffery W., Kuhn, Leslie A., Lance, David R., Lee, Chien Yueh, Lee, Sandra L., Lin, Han, Lynch, Jeremy A., Moczek, Armin P., Murali, Shwetha C., Muzny, Donna M., Nelson, David R., Palli, Subba R., Panfilio, Kristen A., Pers, Dan, Poelchau, Monica F., Quan, Honghu, Qu, Jiaxin, Ray, Ann M., Rinehart, Joseph P., Robertson, Hugh M., Roehrdanz, Richard, Rosendale, Andrew J., Shin, Seunggwan, Silva, Christian, Torson, Alex S., Jentzsch, Iris M.Vargas, Werren, John H., Worley, Kim C., Yocum, George, Zdobnov, Evgeny M., Gibbs, Richard A., Richards, Stephen, 2016

Sensory Aspects of Trail-Following Behaviors in the Asian Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis
Journal of Insect Behavior, Graves, Fern, Baker, Thomas C., Zhang, Aijun, Keena, Melody, Hoover, Kelli, 2016

Contrasting diets reveal metabolic plasticity in the tree-killing beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
Scientific Reports, Mason, Charles J., Scully, Erin D., Geib, Scott M., Hoover, Kelli, 2016

Comparative study of radio-frequency and microwave heating for phytosanitary treatment of wood
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Dubey, Manoj K., Janowiak, John, Mack, Ron, Elder, Peggy, Hoover, Kelli, 2016

Herbivore Oral Secreted Bacteria Trigger Distinct Defense Responses in Preferred and Non-Preferred Host Plants
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Wang, Jie, Chung, Seung Ho, Peiffer, Michelle, Rosa, Cristina, Hoover, Kelli, Zeng, Rensen, Felton, Gary W., 2016

Essential amino acid supplementation by gut microbes of a wood-feeding cerambycid
Environmental Entomology, Ayayee, Paul A., Larsen, Thomas, Rosa, Cristina, Felton, Gary W., Ferry, James G., Hoover, Kelli, 2016

Host range specificity of scymnus camptodromus (coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a predator of hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae)
Environmental Entomology, Limbu, Samita, Cassidy, Katie, Keena, Melody, Tobin, Patrick, Hoover, Kelli, 2016

Genome sequence of fusarium isolate MYA-4552 from the midgut of Anoplophora glabripennis, an invasive, wood-boring beetle
Genome Announcements, Herr, Joshua R., Scully, Erin D., Geib, Scott M., Hoover, Kelli, Carlson, John E., Geiser, David M., 2016

Host specificity of Scymnus camptodromus for biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid
Environ. Entomol., Limbu, S., Cassidy, K., Tobin, P., Keena, M., Hoover, Kelli, 2016

Long-term effects of imidacloprid on eastern hemlock canopy arthropod biodiversity in New England
Northeastern Naturalist, Kung, Wing Yi, Hoover, Kelli, Cowles, Richard, Trotter, R. Talbot, 2015

Scymnus camptodromus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) larval development and predation of hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae)
Environmental Entomology, Limbu, Samita, Keena, Melody A., Long, David, Ostiguy, Nancy, Hoover, Kelli, 2015