Fang (Rose) Zhu, Ph.D.

Fang (Rose) Zhu, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Entomology
121A Chemical Ecology Lab
University Park, PA 16802



  • B.S., Shandong Agricultural University, 1999
  • M.S., China Agricultural University, 2002
  • Ph.D., Auburn University, 2007


ENT419W Pesticide Science (3 credits)
ENT596 Independent Study (1 credit)
ENT530 Seminar (2 credits)

• Seeking MS/PhD students •


The primary emphasis of our research is to understand the mechanisms and evolution of insects' adaptation to chemical stresses in their environment. Insects are the most evolutionarily successful metazoans on the Earth. The remarkable success of insects is largely due to their adaptive capabilities in coping with numerous stresses. The radiation of insects into diverse ecological niches has enhanced their risk to be exposed to toxic or otherwise life-threatening conditions. In their natural environment, insects have to face extensive chemical pressure from their hosts, predators, parasitoids, competitors, and many other abiotic factors such as pesticides. The long-term goals of our research are discovering new theories of insect chemical adaptation, along with developing innovative techniques and strategies for precision pest management and beneficial species conservation. Our research uses integrative approaches from molecular and evolutionary biology, functional genomics, behavior, bioinformatics, protein chemistry, and structural biology.  

Research Interests

Xenobiotic adaptation, insect toxicogenomics, insect molecular biophysics, enzyme chemistry

Lab Opportunities

Postdocs, graduates, undergraduates, and high school students are welcome to join the iTOX lab at any time.

Full Publication Lists

Google scholar

* Undergraduate or high school students mentored
** Graduate students or scholars mentored

Selected Publications


Moural TW, Hernandez JA**, Chen Q**, Liu Y**, Koirala B K S**, Cofer T, Wang H, Alyokhin A, Zhu F. 2024. One sigma glutathione S-transferases involved in xenobiotic adaptation of a specialist herbivore pest. To be submitted to EMBO Reports

Kewedar S**, Chen Q**, Moural TW, Lo C*, Umbel E*, Forrence PJ, Walsh DB, Zhu F. 2024. Developing versatile tactics for precision Tetranychus urticae management. Submitted to Insects (invited) (Kewedar, Chen, and Moural equally contributed)

Phan N, Joshi NK, Rajotte EG, Zhu F, Peter KA, López-Uribe MM, Biddinger DJ. 2024. Systemic pesticides in a solitary bee pollen food store affect larval development and increase pupal mortality. Science of the Total Environment 915:170048

Moural TW, Koirala B K S**, Bhattarai G, He Z*, Guo H*, Phan N, Rajotte EG, Biddinger DJ, Hoover K, Zhu F. 2024. Architecture and potential roles of a delta glutathione S-transferase in protecting honey bee from agrochemicals. Chemosphere 350:141089 (Moural and Koirala B K equally contributed)


Liu Y**, Yu J, Zhu F, Shen Z, Jiang H, Li Z, Liu X, Xu H. 2023. Function of cytochrome P450s and gut microbiome in biopesticide adaptation of Grapholita molesta on different host diets. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24:15435

Abendroth JA**, Moural TW, Wei H, Zhu F. 2023. Roles of insect odorant binding proteins in communication and xenobiotic adaptation. Frontiers in Insect Science 3:1274197 (Invited review)

Johnson A, Cornell A, Hermann S, Zhu F, Hoover K. 2023. Using community science to identify predators of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in North America. Bulletin of Entomological Research 113:637-644

Cheng J, Zhu L, Zhu F, Zhao P, Lu Z, Zhang S, Li Z, Liu X. 2023. Peroxiredoxin 1 transfer during mating protects eupyrene sperm against oxidative stress in Grapholita molesta. Pest Management Science 79:2823-2830

Elmquist J, Biddinger DJ, Phan N, Moural TW, Zhu F, Hoover K. 2023. Potential risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid applications to host trees for management of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Journal of Economic Entomology 116:368-378 Penn State News!!!

Cruse C**, Moural TW, Zhu F. 2023. Dynamic roles of insect carboxyl/cholinesterases in chemical adaptation. Insects 14:194 (Invited review)


Koirala B K S**, Moural TW**, Zhu F. 2022. Functional and structural diversity of insect glutathione S-transferases in xenobiotic adaptation. International Journal of Biological Sciences 18:5713-5723

Cheng J, Zhao P, Zhu L, Zhu F, Tian Z, Shen Z, Liu X, Zhang S, Li Z, Liu X. 2022. Corazonin signaling modulates the synthetic activity of male accessory gland in Grapholita molesta. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 216:446-455

Phan N, Joshi NK, Rajotte EG, Zhu F, Peter KA, López-Uribe MM, Biddinger DJ. 2022. Systemic pesticides in a solitary bee pollen food store affect larval development and increase pupal mortality. bioRxiv

Shen Z, Zhu F, Liu Y**, Li Z, Moural TW**, Liu XM, Liu X. 2022. MicroRNAs miR-14 and miR-2766 regulate tyrosine hydroxylase to control larval-pupal metamorphosis in Helicoverpa armigera. Pest Management Science 78:3540-3550

Zhao C, Zhu F, Sun Q, Zhou X. 2022. Editorial: Mechanisms and strategies of arthropod adaptation to the chemical environment. Frontiers in Physiology 13:889757


Liu Y**, Moural TW**, Koirala B K S**, Hernandez JA**, Shen Z, Alyokhin A, Zhu F. 2021. Structural and functional characterization of one unclassified glutathione S-transferase in xenobiotic adaptation of Leptinotarsa decemlineata. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22:11921 (Liu and Moural equally contributed)

Liu Y**, Zhu F, Shen Z, Moural TW**, Li Z, Liu X, Xu H. 2021. Glutaredoxin and thioredoxin peroxidase involved in defense of emamectin benzoate induced oxidative stress in Grapholita molestaPesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 176:104881

Adesanya AW**, Lavine MD, Moural TW**, Lavine LC, Zhu F, Walsh DB. 2021. Mechanisms and management of acaricide resistance for Tetranychus urticae in agroecosystems. Journal of Pest Science 94:639-663

Wei H, Tan S, Li Z, Li J, Moural TW**, Zhu F, Liu X. 2021. Odorant degrading carboxylesterases modulate adult and larval behaviors in Grapholitha molesta (Busck). Chemosphere 270:128647

Ban L**, Li J, Yan M, Gao Y, Zhang J, Moural TW**, Zhu F, Wang X. 2021. Illumina sequencing of 18S/16S rRNA reveals microbial community composition, diversity, and potential pathogens in turfgrass seeds. Plant Disease 105:1328-1338


Moural TW**, Ban L**, Hernandez JA**, Wu M**, Zhao C, Palli SR, Alyokhin A, Zhu F. 2020. Silencing NADPH-Cytochrome P450 reductase affects imidacloprid susceptibility, fecundity, and embryonic development in Leptinotarsa decemlineata. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2020.09.29.318634

Phan N, Joshi NK, Rajotte EG, López-Uribe MM, Zhu F, Biddinger DJ. 2020. A new ingestion bioassay protocol for assessing pesticide toxicity to the adult Japanese orchard bee (Osmia cornifrons). Scientific Reports 10:1-9

Shen Z, Liu Y**, Zhu F, Cai L, Liu X-M, Tian Z, Chen J, Li Z, Liu X-X. 2020. MicroRNA-277 regulates dopa decarboxylase to control larval-pupal and pupal-adult metamorphosis of Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 122:103391

Adesanya AW**, Walters T, Lavine MD, Walsh DB, Lavine LC, Zhu F. 2020. Multiple insecticide resistance in onion thrips populations from Western USA. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 165:104553

Adesanya AW**, Cardenas A, Walsh DB, Lavine LC, Lavine MD, Zhu F. 2020. RNA interference of NADPH-Cytochrome P450 reductase increases susceptibilities to multiple acaricides in Tetranychus urticae. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 165:104550

Wu H, Liu Y, Shi X, Zhang X, Ye C, Zhu KY, Zhu F, Zhang J, Ma E. 2020. Transcriptome analysis of antennal cytochrome P450s and their transcriptional responses to plant and locust volatiles in Locusta migratoria. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 149:741-753


Adesanya AW**, Beauchamp M, Lavine LC, Zhu F, and Walsh DB. 2019. Physiological resistance alters behavioral response of Tetranychus urticae to acaricides. Scientific Reports 9: 1-12

Cao C, Sun L, Du H, Moural TW**, Bai H, Liu P, Zhu F. 2019. Physiological functions of a methuselah-like G protein coupled receptor in Lymantria dispar Linnaeus. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 160: 1-1

Sun L, Liu P, Zhang C, Du H, Wang Z, Moural TW**, Zhu F, Cao C. 2019. Ocular albinism type 1 (OA1) regulates deltamethrin tolerance in Lymantria dispar and Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Physiology 10, 766

Wu M**, Adesanya AW**, Morales MA*, Walsh D, Lavine L, Lavine M, Zhu F. 2019. Multiple acaricides resistance and underlying mechanisms in Tetranychus urticae on hops. Journal of Pest Science 92:543-555

Huang K, Chen W, Zhu F, Li PW, Kapahi P, Bai H. 2019. Ribo-Tag translatomic profiling of Drosophila oenocytes under aging and induced oxidative stress. BMC Genomics 20:50


Adesanya AW**, Franco E*, Walsh DB, Lavine MD, Lavine LC, Zhu F. 2018. Phenotypic and genotypic plasticity of acaricide resistance in populations of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on peppermint and silage corn in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Economic Entomology 111:2831-2843

Prior to Penn State

Adesanya AW**, Morales MA*, Walsh DB, Lavine LC, Lavine MD, Zhu F. 2018. Mechanisms of resistance to three mite growth inhibitors of Tetranychus urticae in hops. Bulletin of Entomological Research 108: 23-34  

Song L, Wang X, Huang J, Zhu F, Jiang X, Zhang S, Ban L**. 2017. Ultrastructure and morphology of antennal sensilla of the adult diving beetle Cybister japonicus Sharp. PloS One 12:e0174643

Moural TW, Lewis KM, Barnaba C, Zhu F, Palmer NA, Sarath G, Scully ED, Jones JP, Sattler SE, Kang C. 2017. Characterization of class III peroxidases from switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Plant Physiology 173:417-433

Morales MA*, Mendoza BM*, Lavine LC, Lavine MD, Walsh DB, Zhu F. 2016. Selection of reference genes for expression studies of xenobiotic adaptation in Tetranychus urticae. International Journal of Biological Sciences 12:1129-1139

Song L, Jiang X, Wang X, Li J, Zhu F, Tu X, Zhang Z, Ban L**. 2016. Male tarsi specific odorant-binding proteins in the diving beetle Cybister japonicus Sharp. Scientific Reports 6:31848

Zhu F, Moural TW, Nelson DR, Palli SR. 2016. A specialist herbivore pest adaptation to xenobiotics through up-regulation of multiple Cytochrome P450s. Scientific Reports 6:20421

Benoit JB, Adelman ZN, Reinhardt K, Dolan A, Poelchau M, Jennings EC, Szuter EM, Hagan RW, Gujar H, Shukla J, Zhu F et al. 2016. Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome. Nature Communications 7:10165

Zhu F, Lavine LC, O'Neal S, Lavine M, Foss CR, Walsh DB. 2016. Insecticide resistance and management strategies in urban ecosystems. Insects 7, 2 (Invited review)

Piraneo T, Bull J, Morales MA*, Lavine LC, Walsh DB, Zhu F. 2015. Mechanisms of Tetranychus urticae chemical adaptation in hop fields. Scientific Reports 5:17090

Zhu F, Cui Y, Walsh DB, Lavine LC. 2014. Application of RNAi toward insecticide resistance management. In Short Views on Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, eds. R. Chandrasekar, B.K. Tyagi, Z. Gui and G.R. Reeck. Chapter 27, Vol.(2), pp 595-619 (Invited review)

Chandrasekar R, Brintha PG, Park EY, Pelsoi P, Liu F, Ling E, Goldsmith M, Ejiofor A, Pittendrigh, BR, Han, YS, Noriega FG, Sugumaran M, Tyagi BK, Gui Z, Zhu F, Patnaik BB, Michailova P. 2014. Introduction to insect molecular biology. In Short Views on Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, eds. R. Chandrasekar, B.K. Tyagi, Z. Gui and G.R. Reeck. Chapter 1, Vol.(1), pp 3-56 (Invited review)

Zhu F, Moural TW, Shah K, Palli SR. 2013. Integrated analysis of cytochrome P450 gene superfamily in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. BMC Genomics 14:174

Zhu F, Gujar H, Gordon JR, Haynes KF, Potter MF, Palli SR. 2013. Bed bugs evolved unique adaptive strategy to resist pyrethroid insecticides. Scientific Reports 3:1456

Zhu F, Sams S, Moural TW, Haynes KF, Potter MF, Palli SR. 2012. RNA interference of NADPH-Cytochrome P450 reductase results in reduced insecticide resistance in the bed bug, Cimex lectularius. PLoS One 7(2):e31037

Bai H, Zhu F, Shah K, Palli SR. 2011. Large-scale RNAi screen of G protein-coupled receptors involved in larval growth, molting and metamorphosis in the red flour beetle. BMC Genomics 12:388

Zhu F, Xu J, Palli R*, Ferguson J*, Palli SR. 2011. Ingested RNA interference for managing the populations of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Pest Management Science 67:175-182

Zhu F, Parthasarathy R, Bai H, Woithe K, Kaussmann M, Nauen R, Harrison DA, Palli SR. (2010) A brain-specific P450 responsible for the majority of deltamethrin resistance in the QTC279 strain of Tribolium castaneum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:8557-8562

Zhu F, Wigginton J, Romero A, Moore A, Ferguson K*, Palli R*, Potter MF, Haynes KF, Palli SR. 2010. Widespread distribution of knockdown resistance mutations in the bed bug, Cimex lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), populations in the United States. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 73:245-257

Zhu F, Li T, Zhang L, Liu N. 2008. Co-up-regulation of three P450 genes in response to permethrin exposure in permethrin resistant house flies, Musca domestica. BMC Physiology 8:18

Zhu F, Liu N. 2008. Differential expression of CYP6A5 and CYP6A5v2 in pyrethroid-resistant house flies, Musca domestica. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 67:107-119

Zhu F, Feng J, Zhang L, Liu N. 2008. Characterization of two novel cytochrome P450 genes in insecticide-resistant house-flies. Insect Molecular Biology 17:27-37

Liu N, Liu H, Zhu F, Zhang L. 2007. Differential expression of genes in pyrethroid resistant and susceptible mosquitoes, Culex quinquefasciatus (S.). Gene 394:61-68

Liu N, Xu Q, Zhu F, Zhang L. 2006. Pyrethroid resistance in mosquitoes. Insect Science 13:159-166

Liu N, Zhu F, Xu Q, Pridgeon JW, Zhang L. 2006. Behavioral change, physiological modification, and metabolic detoxification: mechanisms of insecticide resistance. Acta Entomologica Sinica 49:671-679

Zhu F, Feng J, Zhang L, Liu N. 2005. Differential expression between resistant and susceptible house flies, Musca domestica. SAAS Bulletin Biochemistry 18:20-31

Research Interests

Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Biosciences
Center for Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis
Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences

Center for Pollinator Research

Center for Chemical Ecology


Transcriptome Analysis Unveils Molecular Mechanisms of Acaricide Resistance in Two-Spotted Spider Mite Populations on Hops
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Koirala B K, Sonu, Bhattarai, Gaurab, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Moural, Timothy W., Lavine, Laura C., Walsh, Douglas B., Zhu, Fang, 2024

Architecture and potential roles of a delta-class glutathione S-transferase in protecting honey bee from agrochemicals
Chemosphere, Moural, Timothy W., Koirala B K, Sonu, Bhattarai, Gaurab, He, Ziming, Guo, Haoyang, Phan, Ngoc T., Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., Hoover, Kelli, Zhu, Fang, 2024

Systemic pesticides in a solitary bee pollen food store affect larval development and increase pupal mortality
Science of the Total Environment, Phan, Ngoc, Joshi, Neelendra, Rajotte, E, Zhu, F, Peter, Kari A., López-Uribe, Margarita, Biddinger, David J., 2024

Function of Cytochrome P450s and Gut Microbiome in Biopesticide Adaptation of Grapholita molesta on Different Host Diets
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Liu, Yanjun, Yu, Jianmei, Zhu, Fang, Shen, Zhongjian, Jiang, He, Li, Zhen, Liu, Xiaoxia, Xu, Huanli, 2023

Peroxiredoxin 1 transfer during mating protects eupyrene sperm against oxdative stress in Grapholita molesta
Pest Management Science, Cheng, Jie, Zhu, Lin, Zhu, Fang, Zhao, Peng, Li, Qiong Xi, Lu, Zi Hang, Zhang, Song Dou, Li, Zhen, Liu, Xiao Xia, 2023

Potential risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid applications to host trees for management of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
Journal of Economic Entomology, Elmquist, Jonathan, Biddinger, David, Phan, Ngoc T., Moural, Timothy W., Zhu, Fang, Hoover, Kelli, 2023

Dynamic Roles of Insect Carboxyl/Cholinesterases in Chemical Adaptation
Insects, Cruse, Casey, Moural, Timothy Walter, Zhu, Fang, 2023

Roles of insect odorant binding proteins in communication and xenobiotic adaptation
Frontiers in Insect Science, Abendroth, James A., Moural, Timothy W., Wei, Hongshuang, Zhu, Fang, 2023

Using community science to identify predators of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), in North America
Bulletin of Entomological Research, Johnson, Anne, Cornell, Allison, Hermann, Sara, Zhu, Fang, Hoover, Kelli, 2023

Corazonin signaling modulates the synthetic activity of male accessory gland in Grapholita molesta
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Cheng, Jie, Zhao, Peng, Zhu, Lin, Zhu, Fang, Tian, Zhiqiang, Shen, Zhongjian, Liu, Xiaoming, Liu, Xiaoxia, 2022

MicroRNAs miR-14 and miR-2766 regulate tyrosine hydroxylase to control larval–pupal metamorphosis in Helicoverpa armigera
Pest Management Science, Shen, Zhong Jian, Zhu, Fang, Liu, Yan Jun, Li, Zhen, Moural, Timothy W., Liu, Xiao Ming, Liu, Xiaoxia, 2022

Editorial: Mechanisms and Strategies of Arthropod Adaptation to the Chemical Environment
Frontiers in Physiology, Zhao, Chaoyang, Zhu, Fang, Sun, Qian, Zhou, Xuguo, 2022

Functional and Structural Diversity of Insect Glutathione S-transferases in Xenobiotic Adaptation
International Journal of Biological Sciences, Sonu Koirala, B. K., Moural, Timothy, Zhu, Fang, 2022

Structural and functional characterization of one unclassified glutathione s-transferase in xenobiotic adaptation of leptinotarsa decemlineata
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Liu, Yanjun, Moural, Timothy, Sonu Koirala, B. K., Hernandez, Jonathan, Shen, Zhongjian, Alyokhin, Andrei, Zhu, Fang, 2021

Glutaredoxins and thioredoxin peroxidase involved in defense of emamectin benzoate induced oxidative stress in Grapholita molesta
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Liu, Yanjun, Zhu, Fang, Shen, Zhongjian, Moural, Timothy W., Liu, Lining, Li, Zhen, Liu, Xiaoxia, Xu, Huanli, 2021

Mechanisms and management of acaricide resistance for Tetranychus urticae in agroecosystems
Journal of Pest Science, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Lavine, Mark D., Moural, Timothy W., Lavine, Laura C., Zhu, Fang, Walsh, Douglas B., 2021

Odorant degrading carboxylesterases modulate foraging and mating behaviors of Grapholita molesta
Chemosphere, Wei, Hongshuang, Tan, Shuqian, Li, Zhen, Li, Jiancheng, Moural, Timothy W., Zhu, Fang, Liu, Xiaoxia, 2021

Illumina sequencing of 18S/16S rRNA reveals microbial community composition, diversity, and potential pathogens in 17 turfgrass seeds
Plant Disease, Ban, Li Ping, Li, Jin Dong, Yan, Min, Gao, Yu Hao, Zhang, Jin Jin, Moural, Timothy W., Zhu, Fang, Wang, Xue Min, 2021

A new ingestion bioassay protocol for assessing pesticide toxicity to the adult Japanese orchard bee (Osmia cornifrons)
Scientific Reports, Phan, Ngoc T., Joshi, Neelendra K., Rajotte, Edwin G., López-Uribe, Margarita M., Zhu, Fang, Biddinger, David J., 2020

Silencing NADPH-Cytochrome P450 Reductase Affects Imidacloprid Susceptibility, Fecundity, and Embryonic Development in Leptinotarsa decemlineata
bioRxiv, Moural, Timothy, Ban, Liping, Hernandez, Jonathan, Wu, Meixiang, Zhao, Chaoyang, Palli, Subba, Alyokhin, Andrei, Zhu, Fang, 2020

MicroRNA-277 regulates dopa decarboxylase to control larval-pupal and pupal-adult metamorphosis of Helicoverpa armigera
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shen, Zhong Jian, Liu, Yan Jun, Zhu, Fang, Cai, Li Mei, Liu, Xiao Ming, Tian, Zhi Qiang, Cheng, Jie, Li, Zhen, Liu, Xiao Xia, 2020

RNA interference of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase increases susceptibilities to multiple acaricides in Tetranychus urticae
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Cardenas, Antonio, Lavine, Mark D., Walsh, Douglas B., Lavine, Laura C., Zhu, Fang, 2020

Multiple insecticide resistance in onion thrips populations from Western USA
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Waters, Timothy D., Lavine, Mark D., Walsh, Doug B., Lavine, Laura C., Zhu, Fang, 2020

Transcriptome analysis of antennal cytochrome P450s and their transcriptional responses to plant and locust volatiles in Locusta migratoria
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Wu, Haihua, Liu, Yongmei, Shi, Xuekai, Zhang, Xueyao, Ye, Changlü, Zhu, Kun Yan, Zhu, Fang, Zhang, Jianzhen, Ma, Enbo, 2020

Physiological resistance alters behavioral response of Tetranychus urticae to acaricides
Scientific Reports, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Beauchamp, Michael J., Lavine, Mark D., Lavine, Laura C., Zhu, Fang, Walsh, Doug B., 2019

Physiological functions of a methuselah-like G protein coupled receptor in Lymantria dispar Linnaeus
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Cao, Chuanwang, Sun, Lili, Du, Hui, Moural, Timothy W., Bai, Hua, Liu, Peng, Zhu, Fang, 2019

RNA interference of NADPH-Cytochrome P450 reductase increases susceptibilities to multiple acaricides in Tetranychus urticae
bioRxiv, Adesanya, Adekunle, Cardenas, Antonio, Lavine, Mark, Walsh, Douglas, Lavine, Laura, Zhu, Fang, 2019

Multiple acaricide resistance and underlying mechanisms in Tetranychus urticae on hops
Journal of Pest Science, Wu, Meixiang, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Morales, Mariany A., Walsh, Douglas B., Lavine, Laura C., Lavine, Mark D., Zhu, Fang, 2019

RiboTag translatomic profiling of Drosophila oenocytes under aging and induced oxidative stress
BMC Genomics, Huang, Kerui, Chen, Wenhao, Zhu, Fang, Li, Patrick Wai Lun, Kapahi, Pankaj, Bai, Hua, 2019

Ocular albinism type 1 regulates deltamethrin tolerance in lymantria disparand drosophila melanogaster
Frontiers in Physiology, Sun, Lili, Liu, Peng, Zhang, Chenshu, Du, Hui, Wang, Zhiying, Moural, Timothy W., Zhu, Fang, Cao, Chuanwang, 2019

Phenotypic and Genotypic Plasticity of Acaricide Resistance in Populations of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Peppermint and Silage Corn in the Pacific Northwest
Journal of Economic Entomology, Adesanya, Adekunle W., Franco, Elizabeth, Walsh, Douglas B., Lavine, Mark, Lavine, Laura, Zhu, Fang, 2018

Mechanisms of resistance to three mite growth inhibitors of Tetranychus urticae in hops
Bulletin of Entomological Research, Adesanya, A. W., Morales, M. A., Walsh, D. B., Lavine, L. C., Lavine, M. D., Zhu, F., 2018

Mechanisms of Resistance to Three Mite Growth Inhibitors of Tetranychus urticae in Hops
Bulletin of Entomological Research, Adesanya, Adekunle, Morales, Mariany, Walsh, Douglas, Lavine, Laura, Lavine, Mark, Zhu, Fang, 2018

Ultrastructure and morphology of antennal sensilla of the adult diving beetle Cybister japonicus Sharp
PLoS One, Song, Li Mei, Wang, Xue Min, Huang, Jian Ping, Zhu, Fang, Jiang, Xiang, Zhang, Shan Gan, Ban, Li Ping, 2017

Characterization of class III peroxidases from switchgrass
Plant Physiology, Moural, Timothy W., Lewis, Kevin M., Barnaba, Carlo, Zhu, Fang, Palmer, Nathan A., Sarath, Gautam, Scully, Erin D., Jones, Jeffrey P., Sattler, Scott E., Kang, Chulhee, 2017

Male tarsi specific odorant-binding proteins in the diving beetle Cybister japonicus sharp
Scientific Reports, Song, Li Mei, Jiang, Xiang, Wang, Xue Min, Li, Jin Dong, Zhu, Fang, Tu, Xiong Bing, Zhang, Ze Hua, Ban, Li Ping, 2016

Selection of reference genes for expression studies of xenobiotic adaptation in tetranychus urticae
International Journal of Biological Sciences, Morales, Mariany Ashanty, Mendoza, Bianca Marie, Lavine, Laura Corley, Lavine, Mark Daniel, Walsh, Douglas Bruce, Zhu, Fang, 2016

A specialist herbivore pest adaptation to xenobiotics through up-regulation of multiple Cytochrome P450s
Scientific Reports, Zhu, Fang, Moural, Timothy W., Nelson, David R., Palli, Subba R., 2016

Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome
Nature Communications, Benoit, Joshua B., Adelman, Zach N., Reinhardt, Klaus, Dolan, Amanda, Poelchau, Monica, Jennings, Emily C., Szuter, Elise M., Hagan, Richard W., Gujar, Hemant, Shukla, Jayendra Nath, Zhu, Fang, Mohan, M., Nelson, David R., Rosendale, Andrew J., Derst, Christian, Resnik, Valentina, Wernig, Sebastian, Menegazzi, Pamela, Wegener, Christian, Peschel, Nicolai, Hendershot, Jacob M., Blenau, Wolfgang, Predel, Reinhard, Johnston, Paul R., Ioannidis, Panagiotis, Waterhouse, Robert M., Nauen, Ralf, Schorn, Corinna, Ott, Mark Christoph, Maiwald, Frank, Johnston, J. Spencer, Gondhalekar, Ameya D., Scharf, Michael E., Peterson, Brittany F., Raje, Kapil R., Hottel, Benjamin A., Armisén, David, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Refki, Peter Nagui, Santos, Maria Emilia, Sghaier, Essia, Viala, Sèverine, Khila, Abderrahman, Ahn, Seung Joon, Childers, Christopher, Lee, Chien Yueh, Lin, Han, Hughes, Daniel S.T., Duncan, Elizabeth J., Murali, Shwetha C., Qu, Jiaxin, Dugan, Shannon, Lee, Sandra L., Chao, Hsu, Dinh, Huyen, Han, Yi, Doddapaneni, Harshavardhan, Worley, Kim C., Muzny, Donna M., Wheeler, David, Panfilio, Kristen A., Vargas Jentzsch, Iris M., Vargo, Edward L., Booth, Warren, Friedrich, Markus, Weirauch, Matthew T., Anderson, Michelle A.E., Jones, Jeffery W., Mittapalli, Omprakash, Zhao, Chaoyang, Zhou, Jing Jiang, Evans, Jay D., Attardo, Geoffrey M., Robertson, Hugh M., Zdobnov, Evgeny M., Ribeiro, Jose M.C., Gibbs, Richard A., Werren, John H., Palli, Subba R., Schal, Coby, Richards, Stephen, 2016

Insecticide resistance and management strategies in urban ecosystems
Insects, Zhu, Fang, Lavine, Laura, O’Neal, Sally, Lavine, Mark, Foss, Carrie, Walsh, Douglas, 2016

Molecular mechanisms of Tetranychus urticae chemical adaptation in hop fields
Scientific Reports, Piraneo, Tara G., Bull, Jon, Morales, Mariany A., Lavine, Laura C., Walsh, Douglas B., Zhu, Fang, 2015

Fauna Sinica, Insecta Vol.58 Plecoptera Nemouroidea, Yang, Ding, Li, Weihai, Zhu, Fang, 2015