Audrey Simard

Audrey Simard

  • Graduate Student
University Park, PA 16802


  • Ph.D. Candidate in Entomology

Ms. Simard received her Bachelor of Science majoring in Genetics and Masters in Entomology from the University of Wisconsin- Madison.  During her tenure at Wisconsin Simard worked on various Turfgrass Entomology projects ranging from investigating greenhouse gas emissions from Japanese Beetle grubs, lethal and sublethal effects of fungicides on urban pollinators in addition to quantifications of fungicides and plant growth regulator residues collected from cool season turfgrass guttation fluid.

Simard is currently perusing a Doctorate of Entomology with a primary research focus on investigating behavioral and physiological relationship between the Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW) and cool season turfgrasses. Further understanding of turfgrass defense and growth phytohormones and host plant tolerance assessments may provide alternative cultural control practices to better manage ABW on golf courses and other turfgrass ecosystems.