David John Biddinger, Ph.D.

David John Biddinger, Ph.D.

  • Tree Fruit Research Entomologist
  • Research Professor
Fruit Research & Extension Ctr.
290 University Drive

Biglerville, PA 17307-0330

Areas of Expertise

  • Integrated Pest and Pollinator Management for Tree Fruit, Taxonomy and Natural History of Bees & Biological Control, Orchard Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology, Conservation Biological Control, Invasive Species Insecticide and Native Biological Control, Pesticide Evaluations


  • B.S., Michigan State University, 1984
  • M.S., Michigan State University, 1989
  • Ph.D., Penn State University, 1993

Areas of Specialization

Tree Fruit Integrated Pest & Pollinator Management + (Biodiversity/Ecotoxicology Partners), Conservation Biological Control, Taxonomy of Bees and other arthropods, Pesticide & Biological Control of Invasive Species, Orchard Community Ecology

Research Activities & Interests

Based at a remote research station 2.5 hours away from campus, my research focuses on developing IPPM programs in tree fruits that utilize selective insecticides (i.e., IGR's, Bt's, pheromone disruption) to control lepidopteran pest species while promoting biological control of secondary pests. Bee and syrphid identification and natural history in orchards and surrounding landscape has been a major focus over the last 10 years with over 250,000 bee collected (approximately 300 species) and data-based as baseline information over time to measure biodiversity losses due to climate change, pesticide use, or possibly conserved through IPPM practices such as changes in pesticide recommendations or the inclusion of floral resource plantings into the landscape around orchards.  In this I work closely with the Frost Entomological Museum on campus as curator of Hymenoptera. I manage large populations of the introduced Japanese Orchard Bee (Osmia cornifrons) that we use as a surrogate for non-Apid bees in understanding pesticide effects. We are measuring field realistic doses of insecticides and fungicides in orchards using typical fruit grower equipment on the 80 acres of commercial fruit plantings at the station.  We use this information to modify application timing or pesticide selection to better protect the wild pollinators that provide most of the pollination of Pennsylvania's 22,000 acres of apple and 3,500 acres of peach.  In my lab, using these realistic doses we measure in the orchards, we are testing the lethal and sublethal effects of pesticides on this bee in comparison to the honey bee to better understand variable toxicity between the two species and the mechanisms involved.  With regular introduction of invasive species that affect orchards (e.g. brown marmorated stink bug, spotted wing drosophila, spotted lanternfly and others), I became increasingly involved with the search for native predators and parasitoids to host shift and help control these pests in addition to testing various insecticides for efficacy and integrating them into existing IPPM programs for multiple crops.

Recent & Relevant Publications

Gareipy, T. D., P. K. Abram, C. Adams, D Beal, E. Beers, J. Beetle, D. Biddinger, et al.  2024.  Widespread establishment of adventive populations of Leptoplina japonica (Hymenoptera, Figitidae) in North America and development of a multiplex PCR assay to identify key parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera, Drosophilidae). NeoBiota 93: 63-90. DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.93.121219

Phan, N. T., D. J. Biddinger, E. G. Rajotte, G. Smagghe, G. VP. Reddy, Z. Ren, & N. K. Joshi.  2024. Pesticides use in integrated pest and pollinator management framework to protect pollinator health. Pest Management Science, DOI 10.1002/ps.8582.

Phan, N. T., N. K. Joshi, E. G. Rajotte, F. Zhu, K. A. Peter, M. Lopez-Uribe, & D. J. Biddinger.  2024. Systemic pesticides in a solitary bee pollen food store affect larval development and increase pupal mortality.  Science of the Environment, vol 915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170048


Porras, M.F., J. A. Raygoza Garay, M. Brought, T. Lopez-Londono, A. Chauta, M. Crone, E. G. Rajotte, **N. Phan, N. Joshi, K. Peter, and D. J. Biddinger. 2024. Fungicide ingestion reduces net energy gain and microbiome diversity of the solitary mason bee. Scientific Reports 14, 3229 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53935-y 

Moural, T. W., B. P. Koirala, G. Bhattarai, Z. He, H. Guo, N. Phan, E. G. Rajotte, D. Biddinger, K. Hoover, and F. Zhu.  2024.  Architecture and potential roles of a delta-class glutathione S-transferase in protecting honey bee from agrochemicals. Chemosphere 350:141089.  doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.141089

Turley, N., S. Kania, I. Petitta, E. Otruba, D. Biddinger, T. Butzler, V. Sesler, and M. Lopez-Uribe.  2024.  Bee monitoring by community scientists: comparing a collections-based program with iNaturalist.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  117:4. Pp 220-233.  https://doi.org/10.1093/aesa/saae014

Stemet, L., D. J. Biddinger, K. Nathani, A. Szalinski & N. Joshi. 2024. Intertegular Distance of Wild Bee and it Use in Estimating Proboscis Lengths, and Foraging Ranges to Better Understand Bee Conservation Ecology. Preprint : DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4877884

Gimenez, A., A. Allen-Perkins, I. Bartomeus, S. Balbi, JL Knapp, V. Hevia, B. A. Woodcock, G. Smagghe, M. Minarro, M. Eeraerts, JF Colville, J. Hipolito, P. Cavigliasso, G. Nates-Parra, J. M. Herra, S. Cusser, BI Simmmons, V. Wolters, S. Jha, BM Freitas, FG Horgan, D. R. Artz, S. Sidhu, M. Otieno, V. Boreaux, DJ Biddinger, A-M Klein, N. Joshi, RI Stewart, M. Albrecht, et al.  2023. Pollination supply models from a local to global scale.  Web Ecology, 23(2) https://doi.org/10.5194/we-23-99-2023

Phan NT, E.G. Rajotte, G. Smagghe, Z-X. Ren, DJ Biddinger, and NK Joshi. 2023. Agricultural pesticide regulatory environment for pollinator protection across geographical regions. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1241601. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1241601

Crone, M., N. Boyle, S. Bresnahan, D. Biddinger, R. Richardson, C. and Grozinger.  2023.  More than mesolectic: Are Osmia cornifrons nutritional generalists or specialists. Ecology & Evolution.

Keller, J. A., B. Walsh, A. Johnson, N. Jenkins, J. Rost, B. Treichler, D. Biddinger, D. D. Calvin, K. Hoover, J. Urban, & R. T. Roush.  2023. Efficacy and non-target effects of broadcast treatments to manage spotted lanternfly (Hemipter: Fulgoridae) nymphs.   J. Econ. Entomol. P. 1-14.  Https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toad121

Porras, M., C. A. Navas, G. A. Agudelo-Cantero, M. G. Santiago-Martinez, V. Loeschcke, J. G. Sorensen, S. G. Crandall, D. Biddinger, & E. Rajotte.  2023.  Extreme heat alters the performance of hosts and pathogen.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Vol. 11, 2023.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1186452

Elmquist, J., K. Hoover, and D. Biddinger.  2023.  Insect floral visitors of red maple and tree-of-heaven at potential risk of neonicotinoid residue exposure from Spotted Lanternfly Control. Great Lakes Entomologist 55(2):  DOI:  /10.22543/0090-0222.2433

Elmquist, J., D. Biddinger, N. T. Phan, T. Moural, F. Zhu, & K. Hoover. 2023. Potential risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid applications for the management of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Folgoridae).  Journal of Economic Entomology, 116(2): 368-378, https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toad032

Joshi, N. K, N. Phan, & D. Biddinger2023.  Management of Panonychus ulmi with various miticides and insecticides and their toxicity to predatory mites conserved for biological mite control in easter U.S. apple orchards.  Insects 14(3): 228 (1-16). DOI: 10.3390/insects14030228.

Gutierrez, G., K. LeCroy, T. Roulston, D. Biddinger, M. Lopez-Uribe.  2023.  Osmia taurus (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): A new non-native bee species with invasiveness potential in North America. Environmental Entomology. 52(2): 149-156.  https://academic.oup.com/ee/article/52/2/149/7046110

Joshi, N. K., K. Demchak, & D. Biddinger2022.  Seasonal population of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and pesticide use pattern after its invasion of caneberry crops in Pennsylvania (USA). Arthropoda 1 (23-32). https://www.researchgate.net/deref/https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.3390%2Farthropoda1010005

Kline, O., N. Phan, M. Porras, J. Chavana, C. Little, L. Stemet, R. Acharya, D. Biddinger, G. Reddy, E. Rajotte, & N. Joshi.  2022.  Biology, genetic diversity, and conservation of wild bees in tree fruit orchards.  Biology 12(1): 1-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/biology12010031

Turley, N., D. Biddinger, N. Joshi, and M. Lopez-Uribe.  2022.  Six years of wild bee monitoring shows changes in biodiversity within and across years and declines in abundance.  Ecology and Evolution 12(8).  DOI:1010002/ece3.9190.

Elmquist, J., D. Biddinger, N. Phan, T. Moural, F. Zhu, and K. Hoover.  2022. Neonicotinoid residues in flowers of red maple and tree of heaven following post-bloom insecticide application for control of the spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). J. Economic Entomology toad032, https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toad032.

Heller, S., J. Fine, N. Phan**, E. G. Rajotte, D. J. Biddinger, & N. K. Joshi.  2022.  Toxicity of formulated systemic insecticides used in apple orchard pest management programs to the honey bee (Apis mellifera (L.)).  Environments 9(7):90.  DOI: 0.3390/environments9070090.

Allen-Perkins, A., A. Magrach, Matteo Dainese et al. 2022.  CropPol: A dynamic, open, and global database on crop pollination.  Ecology 103(3) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357162312_CropPol_A_dynamic_open_and_global_database_on_crop_pollination#:~:text=DOI%3A%2010.1002/ecy.3614

Crone, M. K., D. J. Biddinger, and C. M. Grozinger.  2022.  Wild bee nutritional ecology: Integrative strategies to assess foraging preferences and nutritional requirements.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 14 April, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2022.847003  

McLaughlin, R., J. Keller, E. Wagner, D. Biddinger, C. Grozinger, & K. Hoover.  2022.  Insect visitors of black cherry (Prunus serotina) (Rosales: Rosaceae) and factors affecting viable seed production.  Environmental Entomology, vol, 51(2): 471-481. https://academic.oup.com/ee/article-abstract/51/2/471/6501647

Allen-Perkins, A., A. Magrach, M. Dainese, L. A. Garibaldi, D. Kleijn, R. Rader, J. R. Reiley, R. Winfree, O. Lundin, C. M. McGrady, C. Brittain, D. J. Biddinger et al. 2022.  CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology, 103(3): DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3614.

Pak, D., S. Carran, D. Biddinger, B. Nelson, & O. Bjorstad.  2022.  Incorporating diapause to predict the inner annual dynamics of an important agricultural pest.  Population Ecology, February 27, 2022.  https://doi.org/10.1002/1438-390X.12117

Calvin, D. D., J. Keller, J. Rost, B. Walsh, D. Biddinger, K. Hoover, B. Treichler, A. Johnson, & R. T. Roush.  2021.  Spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) nymphal dispersion patterns and their influence on field experiments. Environmental Entomology, 50(6): 1490-1504.

Belsky, J., D. J. Biddinger, N. Seiter, and N. K. Joshi.  2021.  Various routes of formulated insecticide mixture whole-body acute contact toxicity to honey bees (Apis mellifera). Environmental Challenges, Dec. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2021.100408

Phan, N. T., N. K. Joshi, E. G. Rajotte, M. M. Lopez-Uribe, F. Zhu, & D. Biddinger2020.  A new ingestion bioassay protocol for assessing pesticide toxicity to the adult Japanese orchard bee (Osmia cornifrons). Scientific Reports 10:9517 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-66118-2.pdf.

Phan, N. T., N. K. Joshi, E. G. Rajotte, M. M. Lopez-Uribe, F. Zhu, & D. Biddinger.  2020.  A new ingestion bioassay protocol for assessing pesticide toxicity to the adult Japanese orchard bee (Osmia cornifrons). Scientific Reports 10:9517 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-66118-2.pdf.

Reilly, J. R., D. R. Artz, D. Biddinger, K. Bobiwash, N. K. Boyle, C. Brittain, J. Brokaw, J. W. Campbell, J. Daniels, E. Elle, J. D. Ellis, S. J. Fleischer, J. Gibbs, R. L. Gillespie, K. B. Gundersen, L. Gut, G. Hoffman, N. Joshi, O. Lundin, K. Mason, C. M. McGrady, S. S. Peterson, T. L. Pitts-Singer, S. Rao, N. Rothwell, L.. Rowe, K. L. Ward, N. M. Williams, J. K. Wilson, R. Isaacs, & R. Winfree. 2020.  Crop production in the USA is frequently limited by lack of pollinators. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20200922.

Kilpatrick, S. K., J. Gibbs, M. M. Mikulas, S. Spichiger, N. Ostiguy, D. J. Biddinger, & M. Lopez-Uribe. 2020.  An updated checklist of bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophila) of Pennsylvania, United States of America. J. Hymenoptera Research 77:1-86. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.77.49622

Porras, M. F., T. Lopez-Londono, J. Rost, D. Biddinger, D. Calvin, & E. G. Rajotte.  2020.  A method for a long-term marking of spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) using a stable isotope of nitrogen. Environmental Entomology, Vol. 20 (20), p: 1-5.

Heller, S., Joshi, N. K., Chen, J., Rajotte, E. G., Mullin, C., and Biddinger, D.J. 2020. Pollinator exposure to systemic insecticides and fungicides applied in the previous fall and pre-bloom period in apple orchards. Environmental Pollution, doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114589.

Vaudo, A. D., J. F. Tooker, H. M. Patch, D. J. Biddinger, et al.  2020.  Pollen protein: lipid macronutrient ratios may guide broad patterns of bee species floral preferences.  Insects, 11, 132; doi:10.3390/insects11020132.

Vaudo, A. D., D. J. Biddinger, W. Sickel, A. Keller, and M. M. Lopez-Uribe. 2020.  Introduced bees (Osmia cornifrons) collect pollen from both co-evolved and novel host-plant species within their family-level phylogenetic preferences.  Royal Society Open Science 7: 200225.

Joshi, N. K., H. K. Ngugi, & D. J. Biddinger2020.  Bee vectoring: Development of the Japanese orchard bee as a targeted delivery system of biological control agents for fire blight management.  Pathogens, 9(1), 41; https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens9010041  

Joshi, N.K., Leslie, T., Rajotte, E.G., Biddinger, D.J.  2020.  Environmental impacts of reduced-risk and conventional pesticide programs differ in commercial apple orchards but similarly influence pollinator community. Chemosphere 240(2020)124926.

Heller, S., Joshi, N. K., Leslie, T., Rajotte, E., & D. Biddinger.  2019.  Diversified floral resource plantings support bee communities after apple bloom in commercial orchards. Nov. 2019 Nature Scientific Reports.  DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-52501-y

Leach, H., D. Biddinger, G. Krawczyk, E. Smyers, & J. M. Urban.  2019.  Evaluation of insecticides for control of the spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), a new pest of fruit in the northeastern U.S.  Crop Protection 124(2019) 104833

Joshi, N. K., T. Leslie, & D. Biddinger.  2019.  Parasitism of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Hyalomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), by the native parasitoid, Trichopoda pennipes (Diptera: Tachinidae).  Biology 14(8(3)).

Park, M., Joshi, N., Rajotte, E., Biddinger, D., Losey, J., & Danforth, B. 2018. Apple grower pollination practices and perceptions of alternative pollinators in New York & Pennsylvania. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-14. doi:10.1017/S1742170518000145.

Pak, D., Biddinger, D., Bjørnstad, O.  2018.  Large scale climate systems, the North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation, influence the spring phenology of Mid-Atlantic tortricid pests across 36 years. Ecological Entomology, DOI:10.1111/een.12712.

Biddinger, D., E. G. Rajotte, N. K. Joshi.  2018.  Chapter. 4 Integrating pollinator health into tree fruit IPM- A case study of Pennsylvania apple production (Chapter- 4), p. 69-83.  In: The pollination of cultivated plants: a compendium for practitioners. Vol. 1. (Editor- D. Roubik). Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 313 p. https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/item/180143/1/I9201EN-1.pdf

Biddinger, D.  2018.  Conserving predatory mites in apple orchards (or mighty mites conquer mite pests). Box 5.1, pg. 88-89.  In: Natural Enemies: An Introduction to Biological Control. 2nd edition. A. Hajek & J. Eilenberg. Cambridge University Press. 439 p.

Gibbs, J., Joshi N.K., Wilson J., Rothwell N., Powers K., Haas M., Gut L., Biddinger D., and Isaacs, R. 2017. Does passive sampling accurately reflect the bee (Apoidea: Anthophila) communities pollinating apple and sour cherry orchards? Environmental Entomology, doi: 10.1093/ee/nvx069

Abram, P. K., K. A. Hoelmer, A. Acebes-Doria, H. Andrews, E. H. Beers, J. C. Bergh, R. Bessin, D. J. Biddinger, et. al.  2017. Indigenous arthropod natural enemies of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in North America and Europe. Journal of Pest Science. doi:10.1007/s10340-017-0891-7. pp 1-12.

Biddinger D., A. Surcică, and N. K. Joshi.  2017. A native predator utilizing the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) as a food source. Biocontrol Science and Technology.  https://doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2017.1354247.  

Joshi, N. K., M. Otieno, E. G. Rajotte, S. J. Fleischer, and D. Biddinger.  2016.  Proximity to woodland and landscape structure drive pollinator visitation in apple orchard ecosystem.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Vol. 34(4) doi: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00038.

Kammerer, M. A., D. J. Biddinger, N. K. Joshi, E. G. Rajotte, and D. Mortensen.  2016.  Modeling local spatial patterns of wild bee diversity in Pennsylvania apple orchards. Landscape Ecology.  doi: 10.1007/s10980-016-0416-4. 

Kammerer, M. A., D. J. Biddinger, E. G. Rajotte, and D. Mortensen.  2016.  Local plant diversity across multiple habitats supports a diverse wild bee community in Pennsylvania apple orchards.  Environmental Entomology 45(1): 32-38. 

 Peer &Editor-reviewed books or parts of books:

  1. Hopwood, D. Biddinger, K. Gill, M. Vaughan, E. Lee-Mader, A. Code, N. Joshi, and E. Rajotte. Managing Northeast Apple Orchards for Pollinators and Other Beneficial Insects: Integrated Pest Management, Habitat Enhancement and Managed Bees. Penn State University and Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Joint Publication, 55 p. https://extension.psu.edu/shopby/guides-and-publications?keyword=biddinger
  2. Biddinger, D., E. G. Rajotte, N. K. Joshi.  2018.  Chapter. 4 Integrating pollinator health into tree fruit IPM- A case study of Pennsylvania apple production (Chapter- 4), p. 69-83.  In: The pollination of cultivated plants: a compendium for practitioners. Vol. 1. (Editor- D. Roubik). Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 313 p. https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/item/180143/1/I9201EN-1.pdf Concept, applied examples, 50% of writing.
  3. Biddinger, D.  2018.  Conserving predatory mites in apple orchards (or mighty mites conquer mite pests). Box 5.1, pg. 88-89.  In: Natural Enemies: An Introduction to Biological Control. 2nd edition. A. Hajek & J. Eilenberg. Cambridge University Press. 439 p. 


Fungicide ingestion reduces net energy gain and microbiome diversity of the solitary mason bee
Scientific Reports, Porras, Mitzy F., Raygoza Garay, Juan Antonio, Brought, Malachi, López–Londoño, Tomas, Chautá, Alexander, Crone, Makaylee, Rajotte, Edwin G., Phan, Ngoc, Joshi, Neelandra K., Peter, Kari, Biddinger, David, 2024

Correction to: Fungicide ingestion reduces net energy gain and microbiome diversity of the solitary mason bee (Scientific Reports, (2024), 14, 1, (3229), 10.1038/s41598-024-53935-y)
Scientific Reports, Porras, Mitzy F., Raygoza Garay, Juan Antonio, Brought, Malachi, López–Londoño, Tomas, Chautá, Alexander, Crone, Makaylee, Rajotte, Edwin George, Phan, Ngoc, Joshi, Neelendra K., Peter, Kari Anne, Biddinger, David, 2024

Bee monitoring by community scientists: Comparing a collections-based program with iNaturalist
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Turley, Nash E., Kania, Sarah E., Petitta, Isabella R., Otruba, Elizabeth A., Biddinger, David J., Butzler, Thomas M., Sesler, Valerie V., López-Uribe, Margarita M., 2024

Architecture and potential roles of a delta-class glutathione S-transferase in protecting honey bee from agrochemicals
Chemosphere, Moural, Timothy W., Koirala B K, Sonu, Bhattarai, Gaurab, He, Ziming, Guo, Haoyang, Phan, Ngoc T., Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., Hoover, Kelli, Zhu, Fang, 2024

Pesticide use in integrated pest and pollinator management framework to protect pollinator health
Pest Management Science, Phan, Ngoc T., Biddinger, David J., Rajotte, Edwin George, Smagghe, Guy, Reddy, Gadi V.P., Ren, Zong Xin, Joshi, Neelendra K., 2024

Systemic pesticides in a solitary bee pollen food store affect larval development and increase pupal mortality
Science of the Total Environment, Phan, Ngoc, Joshi, Neelendra, Rajotte, E, Zhu, F, Peter, Kari A., López-Uribe, Margarita, Biddinger, David J., 2024

Widespread establishment of adventive populations of Leptopilina japonica (Hymenoptera, Figitidae) in North America and development of a multiplex PCR assay to identify key parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera, Drosophilidae)
NeoBiota, Gariepy, Tara D., Abram, Paul K., Adams, Chris, Beal, Dylan, Beers, Elizabeth, Beetle, Jonathan, Biddinger, David, Brind’Amour, Gabrielle, Bruin, Allison, Buffington, Matthew, Burrack, Hannah, Daane, Kent M., Demchak, Kathleen, Fanning, Phillip, Gillett, Alexandra, Hamby, Kelly, Hoelmer, Kim, Hogg, Brian, Isaacs, Rufus, Johnson, Ben, Lee, Jana C., Levensen, Hannah K., Loeb, Greg, Lovero, Angela, Milnes, Joshua M., Park, Kyoo R., Prade, Patricia, Regan, Karly, Renkema, Justin M., Rodriguez-Saona, Cesar, Neupane, Subin, Jones, Cera, Sial, Ashfaq, Smythman, Peter, Stout, Amanda, Timmeren, Steven Van, Walton, Vaughn M., Wilson, Julianna K., Wang, Xingeng, 2024

Pollination supply models from a local to global scale
Web Ecology, Giménez-García, Angel, Allen-Perkins, Alfonso, Bartomeus, Ignasi, Balbi, Stefano, Knapp, Jessica L., Hevia, Violeta, Woodcock, Ben Alex, Smagghe, Guy, Miñarro, Marcos, Eeraerts, Maxime, Colville, Jonathan F., Hipólito, Juliana, Cavigliasso, Pablo, Nates-Parra, Guiomar, Herrera, José M., Cusser, Sarah, Simmons, Benno I., Wolters, Volkmar, Jha, Shalene, Freitas, Breno M., Horgan, Finbarr G., Artz, Derek R., Sidhu, C. Sheena, Otieno, Mark, Boreux, Virginie, Biddinger, David J., Klein, Alexandra Maria, Joshi, Neelendra K., Stewart, Rebecca I.A., Albrecht, Matthias, Nicholson, Charlie C., O'Reilly, Alison D., Crowder, David William, Burns, Katherine L.W., Nabaes Jodar, Diego Nicolás, Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro, Sutter, Louis, Dupont, Yoko L., Dalsgaard, Bo, Da Encarnação Coutinho, Jeferson Gabriel, Lázaro, Amparo, Andersson, Georg K.S., Raine, Nigel E., Krishnan, Smitha, Dainese, Matteo, Van Der Werf, Wopke, Smith, Henrik G., Magrach, Ainhoa, 2023

More than mesolectic: Characterizing the nutritional niche of Osmia cornifrons
Ecology and Evolution, Crone, Makaylee K., Boyle, Natalie K., Bresnahan, Sean T., Biddinger, David J., Richardson, Rodney T., Grozinger, Christina M., 2023

Efficacy and nontarget effects of broadcast treatments to manage spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) nymphs
Journal of Economic Entomology, Keller, Joseph A., Walsh, Brian, Johnson, Anne, Jenkins, Nina, Rost, John, Treichler, Brianna, Biddinger, David, Calvin, Dennis D., Hoover, Kelli, Urban, Julie, Roush, Richard T., 2023

Osmia taurus (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): A Non-native Bee Species With Invasiveness Potential in North America
Environmental Entomology, Gutierrez, Grace M., Lecroy, Kathryn A., Roulston, T'ai H., Biddinger, David J., López-Uribe, Margarita M., 2023

Potential risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid applications to host trees for management of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)
Journal of Economic Entomology, Elmquist, Jonathan, Biddinger, David, Phan, Ngoc T., Moural, Timothy W., Zhu, Fang, Hoover, Kelli, 2023

Extreme heat alters the performance of hosts and pathogen
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Porras, Mitzy F., Navas, Carlos A., Agudelo-Cantero, Gustavo A., Santiago-Martínez, Michel Geovanni, Loeschcke, Volker, Sørensen, Jesper Givskov, Crandall, Sharifa G., Biddinger, David, Rajotte, Edwin G., 2023

Biology, Genetic Diversity, and Conservation of Wild Bees in Tree Fruit Orchards
Biology, Kline, Olivia, Phan, Ngoc T., Porras, Mitzy F., Chavana, Joshua, Little, Coleman Z., Stemet, Lilia, Acharya, Roshani S., Biddinger, David J., Reddy, Gadi V.P., Rajotte, Edwin G., Joshi, Neelendra K., 2023

Agricultural pesticide regulatory environment for pollinator protection across geographical regions
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Phan, Ngoc T., Rajotte, Edwin G., Smagghe, Guy, Ren, Zong Xin, Biddinger, David J., Joshi, Neelendra K., 2023

Toxicity of Formulated Systemic Insecticides Used in Apple Orchard Pest Management Programs to the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera (L.))
Environments - MDPI, Heller, Sarah, Fine, Julia, Phan, Ngoc T., Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., Joshi, Neelendra K., 2022

Incorporating diapause to predict the interannual dynamics of an important agricultural pest
Population Ecology, Pak, Damie, Carran, Spencer, Biddinger, David, Nelson, Bill, Bjørnstad, Ottar N., 2022

Wild Bee Nutritional Ecology: Integrative Strategies to Assess Foraging Preferences and Nutritional Requirements
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Crone, Makaylee K., Biddinger, David J., Grozinger, Christina M., 2022

Insect Visitors of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) (Rosales: Rosaceae) and Factors Affecting Viable Seed Production
Environmental Entomology, McLaughlin, Rachel, Keller, Joseph, Wagner, Elizabeth, Biddinger, David, Grozinger, Christina, Hoover, Kelli, 2022

CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination
Ecology, Allen-Perkins, Alfonso, Magrach, Ainhoa, Dainese, Matteo, Garibaldi, Lucas A., Kleijn, David, Rader, Romina, Reilly, James R., Winfree, Rachael, Lundin, Ola, McGrady, Carley M., Brittain, Claire, Biddinger, David J., Artz, Derek R., Elle, Elizabeth, Hoffman, George, Ellis, James D., Daniels, Jaret, Gibbs, Jason, Campbell, Joshua W., Brokaw, Julia, Wilson, Julianna K., Mason, Keith, Ward, Kimiora L., Gundersen, Knute B., Bobiwash, Kyle, Gut, Larry, Rowe, Logan M., Boyle, Natalie K., Williams, Neal M., Joshi, Neelendra K., Rothwell, Nikki, Gillespie, Robert L., Isaacs, Rufus, Fleischer, Shelby J., Peterson, Stephen S., Rao, Sujaya, Pitts-Singer, Theresa L., Fijen, Thijs, Boreux, Virginie, Rundlöf, Maj, Viana, Blandina Felipe, Klein, Alexandra Maria, Smith, Henrik G., Bommarco, Riccardo, Carvalheiro, Luísa G., Ricketts, Taylor H., Ghazoul, Jaboury, Krishnan, Smitha, Benjamin, Faye E., Loureiro, João, Castro, Sílvia, Raine, Nigel E., de Groot, Gerard Arjen, Horgan, Finbarr G., Hipólito, Juliana, Smagghe, Guy, Meeus, Ivan, Eeraerts, Maxime, Potts, Simon G., Kremen, Claire, García, Daniel, Miñarro, Marcos, Crowder, David W., Pisanty, Gideon, Mandelik, Yael, Vereecken, Nicolas J., Leclercq, Nicolas, Weekers, Timothy, Lindstrom, Sandra A.M., Stanley, Dara A., Zaragoza-Trello, Carlos, Nicholson, Charlie C., Scheper, Jeroen, Rad, Carlos, Marks, Evan A.N., Mota, Lucie, Danforth, Bryan, Park, Mia, Bezerra, Antônio Diego M., Freitas, Breno M., Mallinger, Rachel E., Oliveira da Silva, Fabiana, Willcox, Bryony, Ramos, Davi L., D. da Silva e Silva, Felipe, Lázaro, Amparo, Alomar, David, González-Estévez, Miguel A., Taki, Hisatomo, Cariveau, Daniel P., Garratt, Michael P.D., Nabaes Jodar, Diego N., Stewart, Rebecca I.A., Ariza, Daniel, Pisman, Matti, Lichtenberg, Elinor M., Schüepp, Christof, Herzog, Felix, Entling, Martin H., Dupont, Yoko L., Michener, Charles D., Daily, Gretchen C., Ehrlich, Paul R., Burns, Katherine L.W., Vilà, Montserrat, Robson, Andrew, Howlett, Brad, Blechschmidt, Leah, Jauker, Frank, Schwarzbach, Franziska, Nesper, Maike, Diekötter, Tim, Wolters, Volkmar, Castro, Helena, Gaspar, Hugo, Nault, Brian A., Badenhausser, Isabelle, Petersen, Jessica D., Tscharntke, Teja, Bretagnolle, Vincent, Willis Chan, D. Susan, Chacoff, Natacha, Andersson, Georg K.S., Jha, Shalene, Colville, Jonathan F., Veldtman, Ruan, Coutinho, Jeferson, Bianchi, Felix J.J.A., Sutter, Louis, Albrecht, Matthias, Jeanneret, Philippe, Zou, Yi, Averill, Anne L., Saez, Agustin, Sciligo, Amber R., Vergara, Carlos H., Bloom, Elias H., Oeller, Elisabeth, Badano, Ernesto I., Loeb, Gregory M., Grab, Heather, Ekroos, Johan, Gagic, Vesna, Cunningham, Saul A., Åström, Jens, Cavigliasso, Pablo, Trillo, Alejandro, Classen, Alice, Mauchline, Alice L., Montero-Castaño, Ana, Wilby, Andrew, Woodcock, Ben A., Sidhu, C. Sheena, Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf, Vogiatzakis, Ioannis N., Herrera, José M., Otieno, Mark, Gikungu, Mary W., Cusser, Sarah J., Nauss, Thomas, Nilsson, Lovisa, Knapp, Jessica, Ortega-Marcos, Jorge J., González, José A., Osborne, Juliet L., Blanche, Rosalind, Shaw, Rosalind F., Hevia, Violeta, Stout, Jane, Arthur, Anthony D., Blochtein, Betina, Szentgyorgyi, Hajnalka, Li, Jin, Mayfield, Margaret M., Woyciechowski, Michał, Nunes-Silva, Patrícia, Halinski de Oliveira, Rosana, Henry, Steve, Simmons, Benno I., Dalsgaard, Bo, Hansen, Katrine, Sritongchuay, Tuanjit, O'Reilly, Alison D., Chamorro García, Fermín José, Nates Parra, Guiomar, Magalhães Pigozo, Camila, Bartomeus, Ignasi, 2022

Various routes of formulated insecticide mixture whole-body acute contact toxicity to honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Environmental Challenges, Belsky, Joseph, Biddinger, David J., Seiter, Nicholas, Joshi, Neelendra K., 2022

Six years of wild bee monitoring shows changes in biodiversity within and across years and declines in abundance
Ecology and Evolution, Turley, Nash E., Biddinger, David J., Joshi, Neelendra K., López-Uribe, Margarita, 2022

Spotted Lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) Nymphal Dispersion Patterns and Their Influence on Field Experiments
Environmental Entomology, Calvin, D. D., Keller, J., Rost, J., Walsh, B., Biddinger, D., Hoover, K., Treichler, B., Johnson, A., Roush, R. T., 2021

Erratum: An updated checklist of the bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophila) of Pennsylvania, United States of America. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 1–86. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.77.49622
Journal of Hymenoptera Research, Kilpatrick, Shelby Kerrin, Gibbs, Jason, Mikulas, Martin M., Spichiger, Sven Erik, Ostiguy, Nancy, Biddinger, David J., López-Uribe, Margarita M., 2021

Whole-body acute contact toxicity of formulated insecticide mixtures to blue orchard bees (Osmia lignaria)
Toxics, Belsky, Joseph, Biddinger, David J., Joshi, Neelendra K., 2021

A new ingestion bioassay protocol for assessing pesticide toxicity to the adult Japanese orchard bee (Osmia cornifrons)
Scientific Reports, Phan, Ngoc T., Joshi, Neelendra K., Rajotte, Edwin G., López-Uribe, Margarita M., Zhu, Fang, Biddinger, David J., 2020

Pollinator exposure to systemic insecticides and fungicides applied in the previous fall and pre-bloom period in apple orchards
Environmental Pollution, Heller, Sarah, Joshi, Neelendra K., Chen, Jing, Rajotte, Edwin G., Mullin, Chris, Biddinger, David J., 2020

A Method for a Long-Term Marking of Spotted Lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) Using a Stable Isotope of Nitrogen
Environmental Entomology, Porras, Mitzy F., López-Londonõ, Tomás, Rost, John, Biddinger, David, Calvin, Dennis, Rajotte, Edwin G., Reay-Jones, Francis, 2020

Applications of Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) to Control Populations of Spotted Lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), in Semi-Natural Landscapes and on Grapevines
Environmental Entomology, Clifton, Eric H., Hajek, Ann E., Jenkins, Nina E., Roush, Richard T., Rost, John P., Biddinger, David J., Nachappa, Punya, 2020

Crop production in the USA is frequently limited by a lack of pollinators
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Reilly, J. R., Artz, D. R., Biddinger, D., Bobiwash, K., Boyle, N. K., Brittain, C., Brokaw, J., Campbell, J. W., Daniels, J., Elle, E., Ellis, J. D., Fleischer, S. J., Gibbs, J., Gillespie, R. L., Gundersen, K. B., Gut, L., Hoffman, G., Joshi, N., Lundin, O., Mason, K., McGrady, C. M., Peterson, S. S., Pitts-Singer, T. L., Rao, S., Rothwell, N., Rowe, L., Ward, K. L., Williams, N. M., Wilson, J. K., Isaacs, R., Winfree, R., 2020

Introduced bees (Osmia cornifrons) collect pollen from both coevolved and novel host-plant species within their family-level phylogenetic preferences
Royal Society Open Science, Vaudo, Anthony D., Biddinger, David J., Sickel, Wiebke, Keller, Alexander, López-Uribe, Margarita M., 2020

An updated checklist of the bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophila) of Pennsylvania, United States of America
Journal of Hymenoptera Research, Kilpatrick, Shelby Kerrin, Gibbs, Jason, Mikulas, Martin M., Spichiger, Sven Erik, Ostiguy, Nancy, Biddinger, David J., López-Uribe, Margarita M., 2020

Erratum: Publisher Correction: Diversified Floral Resource Plantings Support Bee Communities after Apple Bloom in Commercial Orchards (Scientific reports (2019) 9 1 (17232))
Scientific Reports, Heller, Sarah, Joshi, Neelendra K., Leslie, Timothy, Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., 2020

Pollen protein: Lipid macronutrient ratios may guide broad patterns of bee species floral preferences
Insects, Vaudo, Anthony, Tooker, John, Patch, Harland M., Biddinger, David J., Coccia, Michael, Crone, Makaylee, Fiely, Mark, Francis, Jacob, Hines, Heather M., Hodges, Mackenzie, Jackson, Stephanie, Michez, Denis, Mu, Junpeng, Russo, Laura, Safari, Maliheh, Treanore, Erin, Vanderplanck, Maryse, Yip, E, Leonard, Anne, Grozinger, Christina M., 2020

Diversified Floral Resource Plantings Support Bee Communities after Apple Bloom in Commercial Orchards
Scientific Reports, Heller, Sarah, Joshi, Neelendra K., Leslie, Timothy, Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., 2019

Evaluation of insecticides for control of the spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), a new pest of fruit in the Northeastern U.S.
Crop Protection, Leach, Heather, Biddinger, David J., Krawczyk, Greg, Smyers, Erica, Urban, Julie M., 2019

Local and regional climate variables driving spring phenology of tortricid pests: a 36 year study
Ecological Entomology, Pak, Damie, Biddinger, David, Bjørnstad, Ottar N., 2019

Apple grower pollination practices and perceptions of alternative pollinators in New York and Pennsylvania
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Park, Mia G., Joshi, Neelendra K., Rajotte, Edwin G., Biddinger, David J., Losey, John E., Danforth, Bryan N., 2018

Indigenous arthropod natural enemies of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in North America and Europe
Journal of Pest Science, Abram, Paul K., Hoelmer, Kim A., Acebes-Doria, Angelita, Andrews, Heather, Beers, Elizabeth H., Bergh, J. Christopher, Bessin, Ric, Biddinger, David, Botch, Paul, Buffington, Matthew L., Cornelius, Mary L., Costi, Elena, Delfosse, Ernest S., Dieckhoff, Christine, Dobson, Rachelyn, Donais, Zachary, Grieshop, Matthew, Hamilton, George, Haye, Tim, Hedstrom, Christopher, Herlihy, Megan V., Hoddle, Mark S., Hooks, Cerruti R.R., Jentsch, Peter, Joshi, Neelendra K., Kuhar, Thomas P., Lara, Jesus, Lee, Jana C., Legrand, Ana, Leskey, Tracy C., Lowenstein, David, Maistrello, Lara, Mathews, Clarissa R., Milnes, Joshua M., Morrison, William R., Nielsen, Anne L., Ogburn, Emily C., Pickett, Charles H., Poley, Kristin, Pote, John, Radl, James, Shrewsbury, Paula M., Talamas, Elijah, Tavella, Luciana, Walgenbach, James F., Waterworth, Rebeccah, Weber, Donald C., Welty, Celeste, Wiman, Nik G., 2017

A native predator utilising the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) as a food source
Biocontrol Science and Technology, Biddinger, David J., Surcică, Alex, Joshi, Neelendra K., 2017

Does passive sampling accurately reflect the bee (apoidea: Anthophila) communities pollinating apple and sour cherry orchards?
Environmental Entomology, Gibbs, Jason, Joshi, Neelendra K., Wilson, Julianna K., Rothwell, Nikki L., Powers, Karen, Haas, Mike, Gut, Larry, Biddinger, David J., Isaacs, Rufus, 2017

Seasonal occurrence of spotted wing drosophila in various small fruits and berries in Pennsylvania and Maryland
Journal of Applied Entomology, Joshi, N. K., Butler, B., Demchak, K., Biddinger, D., 2017

Modeling local spatial patterns of wild bee diversity in Pennsylvania apple orchards
Landscape Ecology, Kammerer, Melanie A., Biddinger, David J., Joshi, Neelendra K., Rajotte, Edwin G., Mortensen, David A., 2016

Local Plant diversity across multiple habitats supports a diverse wild bee community in Pennsylvania apple orchards
Environmental Entomology, Kammerer, Melanie A., Biddinger, David J., Rajotte, Edwin G., Mortensen, David A., 2016

Proximity to woodland and landscape structure drives pollinator visitation in apple orchard ecosystem
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Joshi, Neelendra, Otieno, Mark, Rajotte, Edwin G., Fleischer, Shelby, Biddinger, David J., 2016

Comparative trapping efficiency to characterize bee abundance, diversity, and community composition in apple orchards
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Joshi, Neelendra K., Leslie, Timothy, Rajotte, Edwin G., Kammerer, Melanie A., Otieno, Mark, Biddinger, David J., 2015