Keep an eye out for the spotted lanternfly, an invasive insect found in Pa.

Tim Abbey
Master Gardening

Some of you may have heard of the spotted lanternfly.  Even if you have, I want to revisit this insect pest to enlist you in the effort to monitor its movement in our area.

The discovery of the spotted lanternfly in eastern Pennsylvania has prompted a quarantine.

Though named lanternfly, this insect is not a true “fly.”  It is in the order Hemiptera and has piercing and sucking mouth parts - meaning it is not going to chew on your plants like some of our common garden and landscape pests. The spotted lanternfly was first detected in North America in Berks County in the fall of 2014.  Since then, it has moved into 13 Pennsylvania counties and into Virginia.  Those counties are under a quarantine that requires items moving out of the area to be thoroughly inspected.  

Even though the spotted lanternfly has been in Pennsylvania for a number of years, there is still much to learn about its biology and host plants.  The adults prefer feeding and laying eggs on tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima, another invasive species), but also willow, maple, poplar, sycamore and fruit trees.  The nymphs (immatures) feed on many host plants including the ones above, but also oak, walnut, poplar and grape.  Their feeding takes nutrients from the plants, causes small wounds that may be points of entry for pathogens, and the lanternflies produce a lot of sticky waste called honeydew that drips from trees.  One of the major concerns in Pennsylvania and other states is the spotted lanternfly likes to feed on grape vines and can cause significant plant injury and economic loss.

Spotted lanternfly

This insect has bold colors both as an adult and immature.  Adults are about an inch in length with light brown forewings with black spots at the front and black bars at the back.  The hind wings are red with black spots at the front and solid white and black bars at the back.  The abdomen is yellow with black bars.  The nymphs are black with white spots when they first hatch, but turn to red with white spots before becoming adults.  There isn’t another insect in Pennsylvania that looks like the spotted lanternfly.

The lanternfly overwinters in the egg stage.  Females lay eggs on tree trunks and lots of other non-host surfaces - such as rocks, buildings and patio furniture.  The egg mass is covered with a gray, waxy coating and that makes it hard to see them on bark.  Though the insect can fly as an adult, the accidental movement of egg masses may be the most serious way this insect spreads.  The eggs hatch in the spring.  Adults develop in late July and prefer (based on information available now) to feed on tree of heaven. Lanternflies feed together as a group and are active on the trunk of plants in the evening.

A spotted lanternfly.

If you think you have seen the spotted lanternfly, or better yet caught one, call 888-422-3359, email or call the Invasive Species Hotline toll-free at 866-253-7189.    

Tim Abbey is the Commercial Horticulture Educator for York County and the Capital Region Woody Plant Pest Educator for Pennsylvania State University Extension.

Also of interest, watch how mayflies swarm during hatching season: