Entomology 2025
November 9–12, Portland, Oregon

Symposia and workshop submissions due March 14.

USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab

About ESA
The Entomological Society of America (ESA) is the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and individuals in related disciplines. Founded in 1889, ESA has more than 7,000 members affiliated with educational institutions, health agencies, private industry, and government.

Membership & Benefits

Let ESA help you connect with nearly 7,000 entomologists and others around the world who share a passion for insect science, and who can share their expertise, knowledge and experience with you.

Reduced page charges for publishing your research in ESA’s well-respected subscription journals.
Plus, ESA members enjoy reduced charges for its three open-access journals. Don’t have funding for publication? ESA members can request a full waiver once per year.
Events & Webinars
Online access to the archive of ESA educational and professional development webinars.
Insects Unlocked
Insects Unlocked
Make a difference and advocate for the importance of the entomological sciences in policy discussions. ESA represents a broad spectrum of opinions united under one principle: the promotion and advancement of scientific inquiry, discovery, and communication.
Exclusive-access to post your cv or resume on ESA’s Careers page for potential employers to find you.
Become a Member Today
USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab

Become a Member Today

ESA membership provides you with the opportunity to connect, collaborate, present and publish with the world of entomology, and be recognized by your colleagues.

Join ESA

Certification Programs
ESA offers several certification programs for professionals who work with insects:

Our Initiatives

According to the ESA Bylaws, the ESA Sections are empowered and charged with developing and implementing the “key capabilities for their membership that result in: outreach related to science and public policy, program development, continuing education, and fostering interest in entomology.”

See all our Initiatives

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Our Awards
Each year the Entomological Society of America and the Entomological Society of America Certification Corporation provide annual honors and awards to recognize scientists, educators, and students, who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to entomology.
Blog: Entomology Today

Entomology Today reports interesting discoveries in the world of insect science, news and events from entomological societies, and feature periodic articles by volunteer authors.

Our Members in their Words

ESA has been an integral part of my career preparation and professional development. The society not only provides the opportunity to learn about the latest technologies, meet the scientists behind the work, and present my own research, but the society also provides many opportunities to become involved in committees, journals, and leadership positions even while a student and early career professional. These opportunities have helped me develop necessary skills while opening doors for networking, collaborations, mentorship and lasting friendships.
Dr. Tamra Reall
Field Specialist in Horticulture, University of Missouri Extension, ESA member since 2010